“Chickens.” How could one little word be so devastating? After five seasons, it was time to say goodbye to a beloved fan favorite: Mrs. S is dead. Sure, we’ve had deaths happen on Orphan Black before, but it’s rare when…
Dark Matter 3×09 Review: “Isn’t That A Paradox?”
The crew head back to Earth during the 21st century. More specifically, to Wisconsin. They had some funny moments while trying to complete a mission in a time period they weren’t used to. Six riding a little kid’s bike. The…
Queens Landing Episode 13: Game of Thrones 7×3 “The Queen’s Justice”
Welcome back to Queens Landing, an all-girls GAME OF THRONES after show by TheYoungFolks.com. Hosts Melissa Berne and I live stream our Game of Thrones discussions straight to TYF’s YouTube every Sunday night during the new season. Tonight, we talk about…
From the Record Crate: Bruce Springsteen – “The Rising” (2002)
When it comes to a pop culture icon like Bruce Springsteen, there’s usually a few career-defining moments that stand out. It’s easy to see that the release of his twelfth studio album, The Rising, is one of them. Inspired by…