Orphan Black 5×08 Review: “Guillotines Decide”

“Chickens.” How could one little word be so devastating? After five seasons, it was time to say goodbye to a beloved fan favorite: Mrs. S is dead. Sure, we’ve had deaths happen on Orphan Black before, but it’s rare when…

Dark Matter 3×09 Review: “Isn’t That A Paradox?”

The crew head back to Earth during the 21st century. More specifically, to Wisconsin. They had some funny moments while trying to complete a mission in a time period they weren’t used to. Six riding a little kid’s bike. The…

Album Review: Arcade Fire – “Everything Now”

There’s always been a sense of something bigger going on behind Arcade Fire. The Canadian alternative rock collective has felt more like a musical movement than a traditional band. They’re not about singles or torch-bearers of a particular music trend,…

Queens Landing Episode 13: Game of Thrones 7×3 “The Queen’s Justice”

Welcome back to Queens Landing, an all-girls GAME OF THRONES after show by TheYoungFolks.com. Hosts Melissa Berne and I live stream our Game of Thrones discussions straight to TYF’s YouTube every Sunday night during the new season. Tonight, we talk about…

From the Record Crate: Bruce Springsteen – “The Rising” (2002)

When it comes to a pop culture icon like Bruce Springsteen, there’s usually a few career-defining moments that stand out. It’s easy to see that the release of his twelfth studio album, The Rising, is one of them. Inspired by…

Movie Review: Kuso

Not every movie has to lay everything out in front of the audience. Abstract and experimental films have provided a wider canvas of imagination for audiences to absorb since the start of cinema. A filmmaker looking to play with the…

Wynonna Earp 2×08 Review: “No Future in the Past”

Wynonna’s vision quest revealed a lot of new information. Juan Carlo finally came through on giving the team (and us) some valuable information. Too bad it cost him his life, but we’ll get to that later. The biggest thing to…