As we are reminded in far too many saccharine Hollywood tales like Stand and Deliver and Freedom Writers, teachers are capable of being extremely impactful to the impressionable youngsters in their care. When they excel at their craft, educators often…
The Fosters 5×09 Review: “Prom”
Another incredibly intense cliffhanger for the midseason finale of The Fosters and we’ve come to expect nothing less. These first nine episodes of the fifth season have explored some pretty important topics. Everything from the sexism in gaming, to a healthy…
Movie Review: IT
The strongest adaptations of Stephen King’s horror works are those that latch onto his most enduring trait of creating empathy for his characters. More often that not, that empathy stands shoulder to shoulder alongside his ability to create an ever…
‘Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House’ Trailer
Oscar Season has officially begun, people! We’ve already seen a few promising contenders during the summer, but will they all make it to the final race? It’s time to find out. This week we introduce another possible film candidate starring…
Album Review: LCD Soundsystem – “American Dream”
In a recent interview, James Murphy said that he reformed LCD Soundsystem out of a query from David Bowie. “He said, ‘Does it make you uncomfortable?’ I said ‘Yeah’, and he said, ‘Good – it should. You should be uncomfortable’.”…
Big Brother 19 Review: “Week #9”
Good news for residents of the Big Brother 19 house: Their shortage of fresh cereal is now over. Matt, the living black hole of cereal bowls, has walked out of the house by blindside. It’s not surprising to see the…
Colin Trevorrow Out As Star Wars: Episode IX Director
A galaxy far, far away has once again been shaken by behind the scenes drama. According to, LucasFilm announced Jurassic World’s Colin Trevorrow has stepped down from Star Wars: Episode IX. Their brief statement read: “Lucasfilm and Colin Trevorrow…