Interview: Alexandre Philippe

To say documentarian Alexandre Philippe is a Hitchcock fan is an understatement. Idolizing the Master of Suspense since childhood, Philippe has translated that interest into an incisive documentary about a key facet of Hitchcock’s career, the shower scene in the…

The Best Science Fiction Films of the 21st Century

If you haven’t heard, the hotly anticipated Blade Runner: 2049 has hit theaters and has mildly obliterated minds. It’s one of those wonderful reminders of just how powerful good science fiction films can be, as something that is equal parts introspective, reflective…

Watch The First Trailer for Pacific Rim: Uprising

As a ride or die fan and enthusiast for Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim, there’s a natural intrigue at re-joining the world that I enjoyed so much the first time around. However, once you realize that del Toro isn’t directing and…

Movie Review: Bending the Arc

If there’s one thing I’ll remember from Kief Davidson and Pedro Kos’ Bending the Arc, it’s the enormity and shocking normalcy of economic racism towards the Third World. That may seem an odd observation for a film about a trio…

The Flash: 5 Reasons To Be Excited For Season 4

While most definitely not without its problems, season three of The Flash attempted to give us a worthy villain, and despite some of its lackluster pacing and plot holes, it did have a lot of heart and character development that made…

Supernatural: 5 Reasons To Be Excited For Season 13

Though some say Supernatural has runs its course, it’s time for the show to turn thirteen. (I am not one of those “some” — season eleven remains my favorite season of the latter half of Supernatural, and quite possibly, the…

Album Review: Shania Twain – Now

Fans rejoice: Now, Shania Twain’s first album in 15 years, is almost entirely not bad. Not bad at all, in fact, though your first impressions may mislead you. From the opener on, the album has such a mild, mature attitude…