You’ll forgive Sir Kenneth Branagh for being a bit self-indulgent. The Irish thespian has made marks on the stage and on the screen, both in front of an audience and behind the camera. Whether it’s been in front or behind…
TV Review: Stranger Things Season 2
A lot of Stranger Things season one felt like a fluke. It was an overnight pop culture sensation that on second watch, didn’t prove as sophisticated as it first seemed. It was still a hell of a thrilling ride, though,…
Album Review: Stereophonics – “Scream Above the Sounds”
Twenty years ago, the Welsh rock band Stereophonics released their debut album Word Gets Around to praise and good sales in the UK. Since then, they’ve experienced a few lineup changes, made several world tours, and released nine additional albums–six…
The Flash 4×05: 4 Times Iris Saved “Girls Night Out”
It’s clear The CW superhero shows (with Supergirl being the exception) have had issues building female relationships. After four seasons (which is far too long), The Flash finally gave us some much needed girl bonding time. And even though the writers tried…
Album Review: Julien Baker – “Turn Out the Lights”
Despite her smaller stature and vocals that play into the general sweetness of her tone, singer-songwriter Julien Baker packs a hell of a punch. Her debut album Sprained Ankle in 2015 inspired a wave of fans who were instantly taken with her…
Fresh Off the Boat 4×06: “A League of Her Own”
Nicole came out to her parents. The episode started with an awkward situation at the Denim Turtle between her and Honey, but Nicole powered through, telling Honey that she was gay. Luckily for her, Honey was very accepting. Jessica was…