Gotham 4×21 Review: “A Dark Knight: One Bad Day”

Jeremiah is putting his late brother to shame with the antics he’s getting up to in Gotham City. The emerging Joker caused plenty of destruction to the city within the hour that it almost rivaled Jerome. And what’s even more…

The Magicians: Quentin Coldwater’s a Hero Just Like Us

“My entire life, ever since I first read Fillory and Further, I’ve been waiting for some powerful being to come down and say ‘Quentin Coldwater, you are The One.’ Every book, every movie, it’s about one special guy. Chosen. In…

Queen Biopic “Bohemian Rhapsody” Debuts First Trailer

The first trailer for Bohemian Rhapsody, a biopic on one of the most successful rock groups in history, Queen, as well as it’s famous lead singer Freddy Mercury. It has been a long time coming to see the trailer, much…

Survivor: Ghost Island 36×11 Review: “A Giant Game of Bumper Cars”

The ghost edit has struck yet again on Survivor. This time, Chelsea was the victim on Survivor: Ghost Island. What’s the ghost edit you might ask? Think of those quiet, under-the-radar players who rarely got any screen time during their…

The Americans 6×07 Review: “Harvest”

The seventh episode of The Americans devotes a good chunk of its running time to an extended heist apprised in the previous episode, “Rififi,” as one that’s destined for failure. Here it ends with four dead bodies and one remarkable…

A look at NY’s Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino pop-up shop

In honor of the highly anticipated release of the Arctic Monkeys’s sixth studio album Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, the band opened six international pop-up shops on its release day of May 11, 2018. The shops, located in Sheffield, New…

Battlebots Chat: Season 8 Premiere

For this new season of Battlebots, The Young Folks’ music editor Ryan Gibbs and staff writer Joey Daniewicz will be giving their impressions of each episode in our recurring feature Battlebots Chat. These will be a little more informal than…