After a very strong premiere, The Handmaid’s Tale once again shows its limitations in the episode “Baggage.” June (Elisabeth Moss) continues trying to build a life, and seems to be succeeding. But she can’t stay in her tenuous hiding place…
The 5 Best Episodes of Mad Men
From the moment a blank silhouette first came tumbling down in a cityscape free-dive in an oft-imitated credits scene, Mad Men grabbed its viewers by the collar and guided them along what would become an eight-year journey freckled with a…
Mad Men: 10 Years of Suave
Even after 10 years, it’s hard to forget that iconic silhouette of a man dressed in a suit and tie sitting on a chair with a cigarette dangling from his fingers. While this silhouette represented that one particular ad man…
The Handmaid’s Tale 1×9 Review: The Bridge
It’s good that The Handmaid’s Tale is going back to basics, even if it stumbles a bit yet again in the episode The Bridge. The show has shifted its gaze back to Offred, who is continuing her commitment to fight…
The Handmaid’s Tale 1×8 Review: Jezebels
The Handmaid’s Tale seems to flounder when it takes its eyes off its female leads. When the series shifted gears and explored Serena Joy’s history, it was a fascinating look at how women can be complicit in the brutalization of…
The Handmaid’s Tale 1×6 Review: A Woman’s Place
When someone remarks, “I guess you get used to things being one way,” in The Handmaid’s Tale episode A Woman’s Place, it feels like a warning. True, the whole series serves as a kind of cautionary tale of what we…
The Handmaid’s Tale 1×4 Review: Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum
When Offred finds the Latin phrase “nolite te bastardes carborundorum” carved into the floor of the room where she’s essentially being held prisoner for the sin of not being pregnant, it becomes a tenous thread to sanity, even as she…