Long Hail the Apes: ‘Planet of the Apes’ Retrospective

Collectively in all versions and sequels, The Planet of the Apes saga is well loved with numerous moments of grandeur, legendary quotes, and ingenious storytelling. In 2011, The Rise of the Planet of the Apes took the science fiction classic…

15 Movies You Should Check Out This Summer

It’s summer time, folks! The sun is hot and the movies are even hotter. This is the time of the year that studios look to make the most money so that they can later release all those wonderful award-nominated movies…

‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ Official Trailer!

One of 2014’s biggest blockbusters set for release in July just launched it’s official trailer. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is the second film in the reboot ‘Apes’ franchise, following the events of 2011’s Rise of the Planet…

Upcoming Sequels To Hit The Big Screen

The good, the bad, and the downright ugly of sequels to expect in the upcoming future. This list features sequels, but in some cases, we still have no idea what they’re about, or if they will be made into a…