The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a remarkable achievement in entertainment history. This vast network of interconnected stories spanning two dozen movies and many streaming shows has become a box-office titan, helping solidify the “superhero archetype” in modern media. Throughout…
Sicario: Day of Soldado Movie Review: More action, less nuance
As a sequel, Sicario: Day of Soldado stands on its own from predecessor Sicario, but it lacks the nuance of the other film. While there’s certainly more action in this new installment, the story feels light where it requires depth. There…
Tosche Station: New Star Wars Movies Up Through 2030?!
Tosche Station returns from their break to do what they do best: dive into rumors and news! Alex and Jordan delve into Bob Iger’s comments about new Star Wars films up through 2030 and what they think about that possibility.…
Movie Review: ‘A Perfect Day’
There is a subtle tonal complexity to A Perfect Day, where even the title has an air of sarcasm. There is a lingering note of melancholy throughout the film, and it earns every bit of it. There was little to…
Star Wars: When To Expect The Sequel & Upcoming Films
So you just saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens and can’t wait for Episode VIII… Here is a quick rundown on when and what to expect the next Star Wars movies. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Release Date: December…
Movie Review: ‘Sicario’
Although not mutually exclusive by any means, I think Denis Villeneuve would prefer to consider Sicario more of a political statement than a run-of-the-mill thriller. Without a doubt, exploitative genre movies can be political, but Villeneuve’s films are distinct because of…