The comedy-drama show, Succession, resumes this fall, looking more dramatic than ever. HBO released the Succession season three teaser trailer July 6. Created by Jesse Armstrong (Peep Show and Fresh Meat), Succession first aired on HBO June 3, 2018. The…
TV Review: The Exorcist 1×04 “Chapter Four: The Moveable Feast”
We left off episode three with Casey soiling the already filthy CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) Red Line. Episode four starts out with Casey waking up from an apparent long night of sleep and bring eyes Casey already is having visions,…
Interview: Carnage Park’s Mickey Keating and Ashley Bell
One of the most talked about midnight movies to play at both Sundance and SXSW this year would certainly have to be Mickey Keating’s latest film, Carnage Park. The brutal, angry homage could best be described as a 70s set…
Cameron Frye’s Day Off
30 years ago today, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off hit theaters…and senior quote pages have never been the same. Seriously, how many times have high schoolers used “life moves pretty fast…” as their quote to live by? It might have been…