Especially in the peak TV era, there can only be so many shows that survive the proverbial chopping block. Whether they met an untimely end (cancellation) or ended on their own terms, several shows will not be returning in the…
TV Review: Conviction 1×01 “Pilot”
Every fall season of television, we get bombarded with a wide variety of new shows with uncertain futures. Sometimes, it feels like a baby that’s sitting in a highchair throwing different kinds of food on a barren wall, just to…
Marvel Ranking: The top ten characters in the MCU
We’ve ranked the films, we’ve reviewed their latest, and now we’re ranking the top ten characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. From their television series to their films, Marvel has had more than one memorable character, and it’s those who…
Peggy Carter wages her final battle against Whitney Frost. Does it satisfy?
As it turns out, “Hollywood Ending” is a somewhat misleading title for Agent Carter’s season finale. After all, while we may rag on studios for being a little safe in how their stories conclude, they at least normally bother to make…
TV Review: Agent Carter: “The Edge Of Mystery” (2X08) and “A Little Song and Dance” (2X09)
On this week’s double dose of Agent Carter, not only did the cards get set in motion for the climax, but many of the major themes that the season has explored finally came to a head. Since the show hasn’t…
TV Review: Agent Carter: “Life of the Party” (2X06) and “Monsters” (2X07)
If there’s anything that this rather entertaining two hour block of Agent Carter proved, it’s how much season one baddie Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) has been missed. She’s by far the most charismatic baddie this show has had, and tonight was…
TV Review: Agent Carter (2X05) “The Atomic Job”
I’ve been fairly outspoken with how disappointed I’ve been with this season of Agent Carter. Sure, there have been high points, but they’ve been buried underneath a great deal of muck that feels much more evocative of its shark jumping…