Happy Thanksgiving!
The annual tradition continues as TYF writers come together to share one thing or person they are grateful for in the world of entertainment. Click through the slideshow to see who and what we show gratitude; w encourage you to share what you’re thankful for from the world of cinema, books, TV, music or video games!

[tps_title]Jennifer Lawrence[/tps_title]
I am thankful for Jennifer Lawrence because she has helped me accept my clumsiness and assures me that loving food isn’t all that bad. Thanks JLaw! – Cachie Gonzalez
[tps_title]NSYNC Reunion[/tps_title]
If there is anything that we should be thankful for this year, it has to be the NSYNC reunion. Say what you want, no one cared for a boy band reunion as much as they did for NSYNC at the VMAs. The 2 minutes of pure joy and excitement were too much for me to handle. We all wish it was longer. We all want a tour. A new album. Anything. But I’m glad we at least got those 2 minutes. This was something that I could have never dreamed off after the band broke up and Justin went on to becoming the awesome solo artist that he is. And while we’re at it, we also have to be thankful for JT releasing not one but TWO albums and fill our lives with great music. – Luciana Villalba
[tps_title]Walt Disney Company[/tps_title]
I am thankful for the Walt Disney Company and for the wonder they inspire in kids and adults each and every year. With the recent passing of Diane Disney Miller, Walt’s daughter, now is more important than ever to reflect back upon the memories Disney has provided us through film, TV, theme parks, and music. Even in the most troubling times, Disney reminds me that there’s magic in the world. – Maxwell Haddad
[tps_title]Jennifer Lawrence[/tps_title]
I’m grateful for Jennifer Lawrence because not only is she a talented actress and a relatable movie star that every human is in love with at the moment, but because she uses that “movie star” platform to speak her mind about the body image ideal that the entertainment industry perpetuates. So many young girls look up to her character, Katniss, so I think it’s a beautiful thing that she’s basically said “You look how you look. F*ck everyone who has a problem with it.” I don’t often like using the word “role model” because no human being is perfect, but JLaw is doing a great job. – Melissa Berne
I’m thankful for MADtv. In a world where entertainment is often the highlight of one’s day, it’s always a plus to have a show that dares to poke fun at Hollywood’s most popular and talent-less. – Leigh Ann Brodber
[tps_title]Indie & Folk Music[/tps_title]
I’m grateful for indie and folk music, for their energy and style in composing amazing lyrics and harmonies, giving audiences a new taste to a musical genre that was started decades ago. Bands and songwriters such as Jake Bugg, The Lumineers, Mumford & Sons, Haim, Of Monsters and Men, The National, The Shins and The Decemberists will not be forgotten easily. – Cristina Moreano
[tps_title]Miley Cyrus[/tps_title]
This year I am thankful for independent, strong, female trailblazers. More specifically Miley Cyrus. I know you’re wondering, “Wait, she’s not a role model, she’s just a hot mess. What the hell are you talking about?” The general consensus is that Miley Cyrus is a slutty pop diva who is trying too hard to come off as a sex symbol to get rid of her Disney/Hannah Montana moniker.
I personally believe that she is a marketing genius and female fighter of double standards. Miley showed us the outrage that came when she was being sexually provocative in little to no clothes, and at the same time we should have noticed that men do the same thing, but get the same negative comments woman do. Go Miley! Challenge those unfair social standards for women!
Also her marketing prowess is above reproach. I think she intentionally planned to be outrageous at the MTV Music Awards in order to create hype for her upcoming music video “Wrecking Ball”, and her upcoming album “Bangerz”. Guess what, it worked! (http://www.billboard.com/
So this Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for females breaking records (and wrecking walls with giant balls), even if it’s not done intentionally (which I think it is). Just goes to show that they should be respected, and of course feared. Mostly feared, or else they’ll come in like a wrecking ball. – Jon Espino
[tps_title]Writing & Incredible Cinema[/tps_title]
This year I’m thankful for my family, my incredible group of friends, and getting an opportunity to express my point of view writing about what I love and getting a chance to watch some incredible cinema. I am especially thankful to anyone that puts a smile on my face. There’s no better feeling. – John Rodriguez
I’m thankful for 8tracks.com. There’s an abundance of music-related websites out there and I’ve tried most of them. 8tracks is the one site that I go to day after day and each time I listen to a new playlist, I find a new artist to fall in love with. Without 8tracks, I wouldn’t have listened to Ed Sheeran, Damian Rice, Noah and the Whale, Lorde (until her stuff hit the radio,) Brett Dennen, and Angus and Julia Stone. I’ll be forever grateful! – Michaela Nardo
[tps_title]Richelle Mead[/tps_title]
I am thankful for author Richelle Mead. It was hard coming up with only one thing to be grateful for, but as I found myself re-reading Mead’s latest book, The Fiery Heart, I realized how appropriate it will be to choose her. I’ve devoured and been enraptured with her Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series. The world she created with those books is different and full of fascinating characters and dilemmas. She has taken the genre and turned into something wildly entertaining, embracing comedy and drama, and producing pure magic. I love to escape in books, and if there’s one thing I can always count on, it’s losing myself completely to Richelle Mead’s stories and characters. – Gabrielle Bondi
Everyone at The Young Folks wishes you an awesome Thanksgiving day and Holiday season!
Who/What are you thankful for?