With only ten episodes left, the Season 6 premiere of Gossip Girl was a big deal for me. Saying I’m a huge fan is an understatement. The fact that I’ve stuck with this show good and (at times, very very) bad say a lot. I have no problems dropping a show once I become disinterested, but I did not let that happen with my beloved Gossip Girl.
Last season was just… atrocious? It had many good moments, but the bad ones seem to swallow it whole. When I heard that the sixth season would be its last, and only 10 episodes long, well, I prayed that 10 episodes can fix some of the damage that was caused. If last night’s premiere was any indication, I can’t leave my hopes up. While the first episode of the season, “Gone Maybe Gone,” shows improvement, it’s not enough to convince me that this season will be as spectacular as the show once was.
The writers obviously know how hardcore the Chair (Chuck-Blair) fans are because the episode began with a hot sex scene between the two. I rejoiced, being the Chair fan that I am, but I was kind of confused how that came to be. The summer passes by, Chuck and Blair are separated and working on their own things. (Yeah, what is going on?) We see Dan and Georgina hanging out; he’s trying to find inspiration for his new book, Georgina is all about seeking out and creating scandal. What else is new? We get back to Nate, who running The Spectator all on his own. (It’s really hard not to roll my eyes at Nate’s story arc.) Lily renewed her vows to Bart Bass, even though it’s clear she’s not over Rufus. It doesn’t help that Rufus is shacked up with Ivy (Ew, I know.) Finally, Serena is OD’d on a train somewhere.
What brings them back together? Not knowing where the hell Serena has been all summer. After the big fallout at the beginning of summer, The NJBC (Non-Judging Breakfast Club) go in search to find her, with the assistance of Georgina. They do find her, and GUESS WHERE? AT A PARTY. (Big surprise, there.) It’s an upscale day party, and Serena looks great and happy, not drugged up or drunk as they were expecting. Everyone is even more confused when they find out she’s been going as Sabrina all this time. Misunderstandings and hijinks occur (like you expect in every Gossip Girl episode). And the truth gets sorted out in the end.

There was talk that the last season will go back to old Gossip Girl, possibly mirroring the first season. I sort of see some of that happening, especially between Blair and Serena. I think Chair fans can now relax because things look pretty solid in that relationship for once! That leaves us to focus on the other drama going, some intriguing and some annoying. Let’s start with intriguing: What is Bart Bass hiding now? Chuck is once again investigating in his father’s past, now that he’s back from the dead, and Bart will do anything to keep Chuck from knowing the truth. What could it be?
Bart Bass is Gossip Girl.
I know it sounds insane! I don’t even fully believe it, but with what we’ve seen so far, it makes sense. Yes, Bart has a ton of secrets, but what’s the point of us finding out about another one? We want to know who Gossip Girl is, and the writers said that we will find out by the end of the show. If you look at what’s going on, the Bart Bass thing looks to be setting up a big reveal. And if anyone is going to find out who Gossip Girl is, it would be Chuck Bass. Unless the writers totally fake-out on us and have the characters turn to the camera and say “Gossip Girl is You.” In that case, the writers can go f*ck themselves. Sorry for the language, but I AM NOT GOSSIP GIRL.
My theory early last year was that Charlotte (the real one) was Gossip Girl. Lola/Charlie seemed so far removed, but still attached to the situation that made me think it was possible. It is still possible, but my intuition keeps telling me it’s going to be someone insanely unexpected. It has to be a big surprise. Bart Bass turning out to be Gossip Girl will be the biggest surprise ever (even though I’m already predicting it).

The rest of the drama moves between shudder-inducing and boring. Blair and Serena are at odds again. There’s no doubt that the two will make up after a few fights and attempted takedowns at parties. Steven (guest star Barry Watson) is Serena’s new beau. He seems very kind, yet that’s how Henry (Blair’s ex-husband) started out and look how that ended. Nate sleeps with another person that he shouldn’t be sleeping with. Dan is just around, with Georgina trailing after him. However, the truly gross WHAT-THE-HELL moment is the relationship between Ivy and Rufus. I could never stand Ivy, and I keep waiting for her character arc to end. Now, she’s seducing Rufus to help Lola exact revenge on Lily. That final scene when Dan opens the door to the Humphrey’s Brooklyn residence was… UGH. Seeing Rufus and Ivy curled up in each other is unexpected, weird, and completely unnecessary. I have no idea how this is going to pan out, but I hope it ends quickly and cleanly. Because if there’s anything that is tarnishing this new season, it is this Rufus/Ivy development.
I didn’t like this episode as much as past premieres. It leveled my expectations for the next nine episodes. However, it is an improvement over the fifth season, and I do hope it keeps improving, so fans can get a Gossip Girl finale we deserve. As always, the fashion and music was on point in this episode. I loved that they played The xx’s “Angels” when Chuck and Blair were talking in the limo. The song fits their relationship quite well. The dialogue was okay. The snappy remarks and comebacks could’ve been wittier. I feel like the writers were more focused on setting up the story for the final episodes than giving us better dialogue.
In the weeks ahead, I’ll be reviewing all the new episodes. In addition, I’ll be posting my various Top 10s on all things related to Gossip Girl, to celebrate its six years. Come back to check out! In the meantime, what do you think of my “Bart Bass is Gossip Girl” theory? Sound off in the comments.
Rating: 7/10 ★★★★★★★
Gossip Girl airs Monday nights at 9/8c on The CW.
Watch the preview for next week’s episode of Gossip Girl: