Well, I didn’t see that coming on The Vampire Diaries “You Made a Choice to Be Good” last night, which simultaneously tore my heart in two and left me so shocked that it took me a half-hour to figure out how to write an introduction to this review.
So first and foremost: Enzo is dead and Stefan is human. All in the span of the final five minutes of an otherwise monotonous episode of Damon and Stefan running about doing Cade’s dirty business.
Do I blame Bonnie? Hell yes. I feel absolutely horrible for her because her relationship with Enzo was the cutest, sappiest, make-my-heart-flutter romance since Delena’s demise, but normally the bad stuff that happens to Bonnie is a result of Bonnie doing things without 1. Telling anyone or 2. Really thinking of the consequences and 3. Being so god-damn loyal to your friends that it screws you over every time. In this case, Bonnie never bothered to tell anyone that she bought a house (with what money? Who knows) and moved Elena’s body there so any vampire that wants get near has to be invited in.
She also doesn’t tell anyone her plans of giving the cure (Elena’s blood) to Enzo so they can live a normal life together. This plan massively backfires when Cade comes to town, and in the first scene runs into Bonnie at a coffee shop, reads her mind and learns the location of Elena’s body. He then comes up with the diabolical plan of making Stefan and Damon either kill 100 innocent people or each other’s girls.
With Damon, Caroline and Matt (whose attitude towards vampires is becoming almost unbearable to watch at this point) dealing with Cade in Mystic Falls, Stefan is halfway to New York where Bonnie’s safe house is and intent on drowning Elena in the bathtub.
The most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen happens. Stefan happens to run into the realtor who sold Bonnie the house at a gas station and compels her to do hours of paperwork on the roof of her car to sign the house over to Stefan. Once the transaction is complete, Enzo is shot out of the house while Bonnie is trying to blood-jack Elena.
Damon is racing to New York, but he’s too late. Stefan arrives and rips out Enzo’s heart right in front of Bonnie. In a rage, Bonnie stabs Stefan with the cure, and the episode ends with her sobbing on the ground making the air pulse around her.
What was that pulse? Did the pain give Bonnie her magic back? Did it create another dimension like Cade’s pain did when he was killed? Will even Damon be able save Bonnie from herself after this? And what’s going to happen to Stefan now that he’s human? One thing for sure is that he’s going to be a broken man when his humanity floods back, but after what he did to Bonnie and Enzo, I can’t see anyone forgiving him.
Episode Rating: 9/10
The Vampire Diaries airs Friday at 8 p.m. on The CW.