In case you weren’t aware. we’re living in stressful times, and a lot of people…

‘Nancy Drew’ 2×9 review: “The Bargain of the Blood Shroud” creates more questions than answers
Not all Nancy Drew mysteries are meant to be solved within the same hour. “The…

‘Game Changer’ review: Neal Shusterman offers a coming-of-social-awareness story with a sci-fi twist
In Neal Shusterman’s latest young adult book, Game Changer, the coronavirus pandemic is over, the…

‘Yolk’ review: Mary H.K. Choi’s timely novel about grief, illness, and authenticity in collective experience
In her newest young adult #ownvoices novel, Mary H.K. Choi writes about two Korean-American sisters…

‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ review: An epic, overly long, and chaotic superhero tale that still improves on its predecessor on almost every level
To say I was dreading Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a gross understatement. After years…

‘Namesake’ review: Adrienne Young’s seafaring sequel brings the story to shore, while getting a little lost along the way
Namesake, Adrienne Young’s highly anticipated sequel to her nautical themed fantasy Fable, struggles to stay…

‘Big Brother’ Canada 9 week 3 review: The outsiders united to flip the power
A turning of the tide rocked the Big Brother Canada 9 house during Week #3.…