The remaining powers from the BB Casino serve both a shocking surprise. We review week 7 and week 8 of ‘Big Brother 23’.

‘Mercury – Act 1’ Review: Imagine Dragons’ Strongest Album Since ‘Night Visions’
‘Mercury Act-1’ is a real work of art. It is powerful and poignant, explosive and intense and dramatic.

‘Stargirl’ 2×04 review: “Summer School: Chapter Four” recruits new allies for Cindy Burman’s plan
Cindy Burman starts recruiting key members of her plan. We review the fourth episode of ‘Stargirl’ season two.

‘Afterlife of the Party’ review: A fresh take on the redemption arc
Netflix’s latest supernatural comedy, ‘Afterlife of The Party,’ gives a new take on life after death.

“Sunshine Radio” review: debut album from Casper Sun exudes emotional passion
‘Sunshine Radio’ exudes emotional passion both intense and focused, delivering cap-a-pie layers of vibrating colors resting on throbbing rhythms.

‘Poison for Breakfast’ review: Lemony Snicket’s newest novel is an ambling but delightful journey
‘Poison for Breakfast,’ the newest offering from Lemony Snicket, is a predictably strange read, if you are familiar with the author’s other works.

‘Candyman’ review: Oh good, another horror movie about Black pain instead of Black life
Nia DaCosta’s ‘Candyman’ is now playing in theaters, but is this loose horror-slasher-legacy-sequel really a dark treat for fans of the original?