For all its brightness and colors and over-the-top imagery, the 1980s were a hard decade…

‘Nancy Drew’ 3×03 review: “The Testimony of the Executed Man” searches for The Frozen Heart Killer
The Drew Crew heads to DetectiveCon to search for The Frozen Heart Killer. We review the third episode of ‘Nancy Drew’ Season 3.

‘Stargirl’ 2×11 review: “Summer School: Chapter Eleven” has Courtney and Cindy face their darkness
Is anyone already missing the Shadowlands on DC’s Stargirl? The supernatural purgatory had all the…

‘Succession’ season three premiere review: ‘Secession’ prepares for all-out war
‘Succession’ Season 3, unpredictable as it looks, is sure to be full of drama and intrigue with a dose of deliciously cruel conflict.

‘Halloween Kills’ review: A murky, unnecessary slaughterfest
The real villain in ‘Halloween Kills’ isn’t Michael Myers; it’s a lack of common sense.

‘The French Dispatch’ review: Wes Anderson’s soulful tribute to writing will make you want to subscribe
If you ask Wes Anderson which of the four main narratives in his fanciful-as-ever twee…

‘Nancy Drew’ 3×02 review: “The Journey of the Dangerous Mind” traps Nancy in her lies
The hunt for “The Frozen Heart Killer” (name pending) took us to another classic Nancy…