If you liked Pacific Rim, enjoy reading about intrepid teenage characters and need a good…

Movie Review: Emma. Is the Most Vibrant Jane Austen Adaptation Yet
Before writing her fourth novel, Emma, Jane Austen already knew that not many people would take a…

High Maintenance 4×03 Review: “Voir Dire”
While High Maintenance can often mine treasure from the everyday meeting of strangers and old acquaintances, “Voir…

Survivor: Winners at War 40×02 Review: “It’s Like a Survivor Economy” brings out the paranoia
Danni’s implosion on Survivor: Winners at War is the perfect example of self-sabotage. Her Survivor…

Dynasty 3×13 Review: “You See Most Things in Terms of Black & White” defined Fallon and Liam’s romance
Not every relationship on Dynasty is crystal clear. The wants and desires of their fantasies…

The Call of the Wild Movie Review: Misses the point of Jack London’s Novel
There’s something deeply, fundamentally perverse about filming a Jack London story with CGI animals—it’s akin…

Album Review: Not much “Changes” on new Justin Bieber album
Who knew that Justin Bieber is such a romantic? The singer released his new album…