Take a break from the reality and enter the electrifying world of Incendiary by Zoraida…

True History of the Kelly Gang Review: The Legend of Ned Kelly Gets a Hardcore, Revisionist Makeover
The real Ned Kelly once said that “the darkest life may have a bright side.”…

Extraction Movie Review: Chris Hemsworth Teams With Netflix for a Much Needed Escape
The most important goal of a movie should be to transport the viewer into the…

Book Review: Don’t Call the Wolf by Aleksandra Ross
Aleksandra Ross’s debut novel Don’t Call the Wolf is a lush, atmospheric, Polish folklore-inspired fantasy,…

Beastie Boys Story Movie Review: Rap Legends Recap Legacy in Amusing Live Slideshow
One of the many charming qualities about the Beastie Boys is that they could be…

Audiobook Review: To Have and to Hoax By Martha Waters
A historical romance set in the early 1800s, To Have and to Hoax is a…

Le Choc du Futur Movie Review: A Film That Dances to Its Own Beat
Earlier this month, French musician Marc Collin’s debut feature Le Choc du Futur was selected to be…