princess Mononoke
25 years later, ‘Princess Mononoke’ is still one of the most wondrous animated films ever made

Everyone has their pick of their favorite Hayao Miyazaki movie. Polling my friend group in…

The 10 Best TV Shows of 2022 so far

This is a list of the 10 best TV shows of 2022 so far. It…

‘Roswell, New Mexico’ 4×05 review: “You Get What You Give” gives the best of the best

“You Get What You Give” is some top-tier Roswell, New Mexico. Like last year’s “Angels…

‘Stranger Things season 4 vol 2: The Duffer Brothers don’t understand their own characters

It’s tough to decide what’s most frustrating about Season 4 of Stranger Things. For all…

‘Rise’ review: A slam dunk of a biopic

Rise could easily be a standard sports underdog movie, where, with training and sheer willpower,…

thor: love and thunder
‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ review: God of Blunder

I need to figure out exactly who I am. What identity crisis? From Norse mythology…

jurassic park
The reason ‘Jurassic Park’ devolved as a franchise? It never learned its own lessons.

During my latest revisit of 1993’s Jurassic Park, I was struck by this thought: You…