This week’s episode of Sleepy Hollow “Loco Parentis”takes fairy tales to a whole new level as the big bad wolf comes to D.C. hunting for unsuspecting women, but Diana finds herself in another hairy situation when Molly’s father Mitch comes to town.
Mitch and Diana make for an interesting pair. While Diana thinks their situation, that being Mitch calls when he can remember and hasn’t seen his daughter in two years, is just fine with Molly. Clearly Molly likes having her dad around, he buys her one of those hover-board things and plans on eating pizza and watching cartoons with her, something I just can’t see Diana getting into considering poor Molly doesn’t even know who Scooby and Shaggy are!
Speaking of monster-hunting, a werewolf is on the run in Washington, one from the fairy tales even darker than Grimm, where the werewolf is able to disguise himself as someone trustworthy. The wolf was captured after killing a little girl and trapped in Plymouth Rock out of all places just to throw some “twistory” in.
This is where things get creepy. At first Diana and Crane are convinced that Dreyfuss was the werewolf, that his form was changed when he did the ritual with the Philosopher’s Stone. But that’s not the case at all, and the truth hits Diana like a brick and manages to pull some real emotion out of her since she’s been introduced to the show.
The werewolf is Mitch, and he’s going after Molly.
The real Mitch is still in Afghanistan with six more months of his tour left and werewolf Mitch is on on his way with Molly out to get “ice cream.” Molly’s a smart girl though, she tells fake Mitch that she has to pee really bad, and when they stop at a bathroom, she escapes out the window running through the woods in her red sweatshirt. Fake Mitch meanwhile is stumbling through the woods like very Jack-Torrance-esque, when Crane and Diana shoot him with crossbows saving Molly’s life just as she’s about to become werewolf food.
The end of the episode shifts to Molly’s birthday party, where she really isn’t in the mood for celebrating and is hiding in the playground. Diana tells Molly that she’s going to be honest with her because she’s the witness, not her. Crane joins in, and the three of them really do make an adorable family if the show decides to make Crane and Diana (Crana? Diane?) a thing.
In the final scene, we see Dreyfuss stumbling into a business meeting at his office about his disappearance covered in mud. They think he’s mad, but Dreyfuss plans to remake the world with his newfound power, whatever that may be.
Sleepy Head Highlight: “Who, may I inquire, are Scooby and Shaggy?” Crane to Diana,who clearly needs to watch more cartoons.
Episode Rating: 8.5/10
Watch Sleepy Hollow on Fridays at 9:00 p.m. on FOX