With The Vampire Diaries coming to a close with only four episodes left, the lies, the deception and the past are catching up to our favorite, newly-cured human Stefan Salvatore in “The Lies Will Catch Up to You”.
Last week super-villian Kai’s big return wasn’t the only shocker we were left hanging on. While walking up to Bonnie’s house looking for redemption, Stefan was tasered and kidnapped by a mysterious figure, who we quickly (and surprisingly) learn is Alaric’s intern Dorian who is finally getting a proper story line. It turns out that Dorian’s family was murdered by Stefan way back at the end of season two when he was working for Klaus. Stefan compelled Dorian to believe that they were killed in a house fire, but all of Stefan’s compulsion victims started to remember once Bonnie injected him with the cure.
Even though Dorian forces Stefan to dig his own grave at gunpoint he isn’t the only one effected by everyone’s compulsion being undone. Caroline and Matt have to deal with the downfall of Stefan’s victims showing up at the police station looking for justice. Caroline (who is basically Stefan’s maid at this point) has to compel everyone to forget and move on with their lives even though Stefan caused, well, some pretty serious collateral damage for some of these poor Mystic Falls bystanders.
Poor Caroline. By the end of this episode Stefan has ran her though the dirt and basically left her on the side of the road. Dorian regretfully pulls the trigger on Stefan and seconds later realizes his mistake and half drags him to the road where Matt is called. Caroline overhears and rushes to Stefan’s side as the ambulance arrives just in time to save his life. This is when Stefan, trapped in his own martyr-ism, wants to leave Mystic Falls and Caroline to seek redemption.
Caroline isn’t having it, and I don’t blame her. She tells Stefan off leaving us unsure about their future. The penultimate episode before the big finale is titled “We’re Planning a June Wedding”, but will it be Steroline’s? I’m starting to have my doubts.
Damon and Bonnie also had some big moments this week. Damon is on the road with Kai, who is a hilariously great addition to the show right now, searching for a way to take down Cade. Of course Kai dangles the idea of bringing Elena back from her slumber if Damon helps him fully escape from hell. Damon’s plan? To have Kai make a full redemption by bringing Elena back, right now. Of course this doesn’t go as planned when Kai turns on Damon, sucking the life out of him and disappearing along with Elena’s coffin. So is Elena trapped in hell now too? Based on the trailer for next week, it’s looking like Cade has a hold over her.
Meanwhile Bonnie finally has some happiness. With some help from Cade, Bonnie is able to reach into her own personal plain of oblivion she created and find Enzo who warns her to not trust Cade because he is on the hunt for Enzo’s soul. Bonnie tries to allude the devil, but he confronts her afterwards and learns about Enzo’s and Kai’s whereabouts.
Bonnie just can’t seem to be happy unless she’s messing things up for everyone else it seems.
Rating: 8.5/10
Watch The Vampire Diaries Friday’s at 8:00 p.m. on The CW