3. Margo

In large part, Summer Bishil is the reason why Margot has become such an instant break out character. Appearing in less episodes than the rest of the cast, she could have easily fallen by the wayside. However, two relationships made her a standout and for very different reasons. Of course there’s her dynamic with platonic soul mate Elliot which brings out her off the cuff, too cool for everyone around her attitude, and her often gleeful response to breaking the rules. However, the more interesting version of the character is the one brought out when she’s around Quentin and her softer, more genuine side comes out. It’s with him that we learn she too used to love the Fillory books and it’s through him that she admits to her lack of belief in magic, wishing she could have that same sense of hope that her friend so sincerely possesses. Her quips made us take notice, but it was the abundance of heart that she possessed that helped us grow attached. – Allyson Johnson