Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X seems to be the year of riding the wave. Week after week another castaway is sent packing by blindside after they’ve made a big move. The target gets bigger on their back and the rest of the players are happy enough to vote anyone else off. It reminds me of Sandra’s strategy from Survivor: Pearl Islands and Heroes vs. Villains, she would play an “anyone but me” game and joined up to take the target off her. Well it worked for her – she won twice! This time the trust clusters are flip-flopping each week to target whomever and whenever.
“Slayed the Survivor Dragon” featured a double packed episode of two immunity challenges and two Tribal Councils. Both, while paired together in one episode, were completely different in vibe. Will’s surprising elimination came from his newfound confidence and power. He started as a follower of sorts and rode the wave based on whoever would keep him safe. The second he stood out to make a big move to vote out Zeke, he became a huge target. It’s the dangerous battle of when to stand behind and when to really play the game.

Was it the right move to vote off Will at this point? I’m a bit mixed on the subject. He did just save half of the players by voting out Zeke, and by making such a bold move, he was going to side with his group for a while out of sheer fear. David, who was the original target, is arguably the bigger threat to keep around. He may have been the best choice to get out so that they could stop a potential person from winning the game. However, Will can’t be trusted. He’s desperate and has already proven that he will turn on people to protect himself. Will was a threat to keep their eye on but at this time, David should have been the one going.
Sunday, on the other hand, was a safe option. She didn’t have the numbers to protect herself and she merely would’ve sided with whomever to protect her place. Regardless of being a low-key player, she still could’ve been a surprising competitor at the Final Tribal Council. She had no enemies (except for Jessica) and had positive relationships with most of the players. This move, even if it was only to be safe and draw out an idol, looked to be a good one in hindsight.
When it came to the two challenges, both were fun and different. It’s easy to go for an endurance competition in a double episode, and we’ve had plenty of them this season. However, the balance of the disks looked difficult (Will couldn’t even make it far) and the puzzle/pinball game was a simple yet frustrating competition. My favourite of the two has to be the pinball one – sometimes simple does win out. We need to see this one again in the future.

Now that six players are left (Adam, Hannah, David, Ken, Bret and Jay), we’re heading into the final stretch of the game. The season finale is the next episode where one of the players will win the big prize. The game could go anywhere, but here’s where I think things could lead:
- Ken, David and Jay seem to be the top three with the best chance of winning – Ken for his all around likeability, Jay for his challenge wins and friendships on the jury, and David for his underdog story. Between the three, Jay is the most dangerous to keep around.
- While I like Adam, he could become the goat of the season (the person brought to the end with no chance of winning by the jury). His overconfidence and past drama, like with the secret power and the backstabbing, could rub people the wrong way.
- Bret might not have a chance; he’s too low on possibilities and hasn’t proven himself much.
- Hannah is a wild card with the hardest journey to win. She needs to claim some challenge wins and prove why she needs to win.
Regardless of where things go, it’s looking like a Final 3 year. And these castaways need to make some big moves before the end. Anything could turn the tide and score them the big prize. Even Bret or Hannah has a chance.
RATING: 8/10