Bojack Horseman – “That’s Too Much, Man!”
There was much (mostly inner) conflict over what episode to ultimately go with for the excellent season three of Netflix’s Bojack Horesman. Sure, “Fish Out of Water” is innovative and captures everything that makes Bojack such a fascinating series as it broke narrative conventions but it’s “That’s Too Much, Man!” that went for the emotional sucker punch. After going on a bender that spans weeks after finding out the truth of his supposed Oscar nomination, the rock bottom he’s found himself in ends in a further tragedy that even we couldn’t have predicted. Even worse is that this time, Bojack realizes his hand in the outcome and the guilt the character goes on to experience is potent. Bojack has always had a mighty hand in his own distress and misery and he’s contributed to many others but this time he’s self-aware enough to understand the gravity of his actions that lead to the events at the end of the episode. Bojack was never a “good guy”, but there’s always been a lingering suspicion that if he could move past his bloated sense of self-worth and narcissism he could improve himself but the season three penultimate episode all but extinguishes this notion. It’s a heavy episode, one masked in grays and rain clouds as Bojack reckons with past mistakes. –Allyson Johnson