Camille is Reading-Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert & The One That Got Away by Leigh Himes 
I’ve always loved Elizabeth Gilbert’s work. Her work is entertaining, relatable and meditative. Her books inspire me to reflect on my path in life and truly consider if I’m going down the path I’m meant to be on. Overall, her words and her style of storytelling gives me zen and comfortability. Her books are usually what I’ve been gravitating to, especially after a busy day at work.
After reading Eat Pray Love Made Me Do It and interviewing Linsi Broom and Lisann Valentin, I wanted that spark of inspiration and guidance again because unfortunately, you don’t get much of it when you’re adulting. Gilbert’s latest work, Big Magic, does the trick. It’s the page-turner of inspiration and fluid storytelling that I was craving. This book isn’t just for artists, musicians, bloggers and the like. It’s truly for anyone that wants that sense of creativity in their lives again. She reminded me that creativity comes in all forms only if you encourage yourself to seek it.
The second book that I’m reading is entertaining and filled with humor and quirkiness. The One That Got Away is Himes’ debut novel and it’s quite the page turner so far. I’m really enjoying how real she makes the story, situations and characters feel. Her way of storytelling is what truly grabs my attention.
The story’s main character is Abbey, who is a working mother and wife trying to do it all. She endures a terrible accident that alters her life- but not in the traditional sense you may be thinking of. If you’re looking for a light read for the summer, definitely check this book out.