Stitchers not only broke all rules on this week’s episode, it changed everything we thought we knew. This action-packed episode confused, worried and shocked us until the very end. But it also reminded us that this show only gets better each week.
This week the Stitchers team tackled one of the craziest deaths to date. A plane filled with people suddenly becomes a plane with dead people. Twelve victims and the remaining passengers are all potential killers. Kirsten pushes to stitch into six of them since that’s the maximum number of stitches she can achieve in one day, this scared me immediately. Stitching into one person can become dangerous, but six?
Kirsten stitches into these people with little breaks and it starts to effect her. Right before she stitches out we keep seeing a black screen, possibly the moment before life and death for these people? I kept trying to figure out if being in a stitch during the time of actual death could affect Kirsten this strongly. She was experiencing headaches, she looked paler by the second and then came the nose bleeding. And no matter how much Cameron tried to be a mother hen he was missing just how serious multiple stitchings were for Kirsten’s health.
He does notice how weak she is getting and decides to have her stitch in for less time. She will also end up stitching into two people without bouncing out. This is supposed to help Kirsten but I knew this would mess with her even more. In between stitches Kirsten is in a limbo like world which is much more terrifying than I could even imagine. She is panicking over being alone but young Cameron shows up to save the day. But he isn’t just there for emotional support, he clues Kirsten in on how to solve the puzzle. In order to find the answer she needs to stitch into everyone at once.
Kirsten doesn’t believe him until he brings up a past memory of hers as proof that this is possible. Linus messing up the second stitch confirms that Kirsten needs to follow the advice of anonymous young Cameron, that is until she falls face first into the water. Once she stitches into all five people everything becomes that much cooler. Turns out two of the passengers switched their identities and one of them set a timer for 45 seconds. Vincent Grant was a fugitive who wanted to kill the other passenger because he knew what was happening. His watch short-circuited the plane and made chips inside people’s passports go off. This caused an instant heart attack for anyone who had their passport in their left front pocket near their heart. Vincent doesn’t go easy and almost kills Fisher and everyone with a passport in their pocket at the airport. Luckily Kirsten saves the day with one of the survivor’s laptops like a freaking badass.

As for the romance department, Cameron and Nina have a pretty steamy moment or two, that is until the predictable job secrets get in the way. Nina says that she misses him (even though he was this busy prior to them meeting even, right?) and he promises to make it up to her. Now this is exactly when I called their upcoming break up. This is textbook, couple fights over one of their jobs and even though the other promises to do better they just can’t. Cameron can’t exactly reveal his job and Nina waves it off as if it’s nothing. If only she really knew …
Cameron of course ends up missing dinner, Nina calls and Kirsten answers. If I was Nina, I would not be happy with my boyfriend not making it to our special date only for someone else to answer his phone.
Meanwhile, Kirsten tells Cameron that it’s been a while since they spent time together only for him to mention drinks with Nina. When did Cameron morph into one of those ”we” guys’? He wanted Kirsten to like him and yes the timing is off but she is trying to reach out if only in friend form and he drops the we. We would love to hang out with you. No Cameron. You were friends with Kirsten first, you should hang out with her and I don’t see the need for a security blanket. Please don’t be the guy who brings your significant other with you everywhere Cameron. Please.
Linus is worried about his father, but he finds time to talk to Camille about her working for Maggie. He tells her that he believes her which is something we all longed to hear. I was worried that Camille would feel guilty for doing her job but she stands up for herself and Linus is on her side right away. These relationships are the core of the show and I love that this never fails to grow each week.
Linus’s dad tells him that his test results were not what they were hoping for and that’s about all we know. There might not be enough time for all of these plots but I am getting very worried for Linus and his family!
Kirsten tracks down her sister but Ivy Brown wants nothing to do with her. She hangs up and Kirsten’s only real lead to her family disappears without much to go one. When Kirsten comes home from the airport she is ready to fall asleep until Ivy calls her to meet. Woah.
Sidenote: They really need to stop bringing people into their interrogation room in a windowless van.