Aaaaand, we’re back. You can read previous recap/reviews of prior Empire episodes here.
We’re coming to the final stretch of Empire‘s second season, which may I remind you, started in September. After a long-winded first half in the fall, and the second half in the spring, there’s been a lot to keep track of. For the sake of your sanity and mine, this week is a recap of the important scenes in “More Than Kin” to remember while we hurtle toward the finale.
5. The appearance of Harper Scott
I’ve pointed out several times throughout the season that one of the worst plot lines that Empire continuously drags through the mud is that of Cookie and Lucious. Yes, they’ve been through a lot together, but no, this does not make me like the fact that Cookie sets herself up to be screwed over once again.
This is where the new character seems to come in: a female journalist on the hunt for the real story of Lucious Lyon — who she’s been shadowing– the apparent jealously in Cookie is as blatant as Lucious’s quest to get back on top. In a fiery display of unresolved sexual tension (ew), the unresolved soon enough becomes sort of resolved. In a litany of panicked calls and texts from Cookie, the hook-up is put on pause until Scott, played by Annie Ilonzeh, calls Cookie a bitch. Needless to say, Lucious doesn’t take kindly to this and Scott is forced to hit the road. But not before letting Andre know that his supposed dead grandmother is actually alive.
Why this is important: Keep on eye on Harper Scott. She’s got a motive besides revealing the news to Andre. I can definitely see her popping back up and releasing some heavy info on the Lyon’s as we head towards the finale. The only thing missing in the second half of the season has been a publicized scandal. Well, other than when Camilla and Mimi died. Oh, and when Lucious got sent to prison.
4. The reappearance of Michael
If you hear a loud wailing noise in the distance, that’s probably me. And what I am wailing about, my fellow Empire fans, is the return of Michael, Jamal’s ex-boyfriend. We haven’t seen Michael in quite a long time, due to the fact that the last time we did see him, he got caught cheating on Jamal. Which, by the way, is when Jamal’s story lines began to take a backseat on the show. He’s a waiter/catering staff at Empire now, obviously, and I’m interested to see why he’s made a reappearance.
Which brings me to why this is important: This could have a direct emotional effect on Jamal. We could be seeing a lot more of a plot line now that his love interest has returned, and while I think Jamal is so much more than who he’s in a relationship with, this could mean more screen time for Jamal. This will also have an effect on his (again) crumbling relationship with Lucious, who is still extremely homophobic. I would expect for this to cause even more tension and intensity. Remember, the two are still at odds due to the upcoming music award they are both nominated for.
3. Hakeem’s booze stupor
This isn’t exactly new, but this week it was an important development in Hakeem’s story line. After receiving news that he’s going to be a father, he made some pretty ignorant decisions even for Hakeem. But, this episode proves that the youngest Lyon is ready to step up and leave the life of partying behind. After starting off the episode in a strip club, getting broken up with and then back together with Laura, we see Hakeem step up to Lucious about the death threats he delivered Anika’s way last episode. Impressed with his son’s “courage,” Lucious agrees to keep off of Anika’s lawn, so to speak. He even calls Laura, and that’s when Hakeem gets back the only good thing that has happened to him this entire season no matter how much he doesn’t deserve it.
Why this is important: It’s strengthened the shaky relationship Hakeem has with Lucious, which could very well split the Lyon family into groups of two again, and Andre being the out lire. I see this relationship either ending in betrayal, or a severe battle of Lyon’s.
2. Cookie and Anika make amends (sort of)
You know, I would have liked to see this happen before the Empire writers wrote Anika off as an unstable ex-girlfriend who is now having her ex-step-son’s child, but alas. Empire never seems to give me what I want these days.
In the last episode we saw the big reveal of Anika’s pregnancy to the Lyon family, where they all had their appropriate, dramatic reactions. As for this episode, in a rare moment of poignant writing, we see Anika and Cookie bond for a brief moment.
Due to complications in the pregnancy, we see Anika being rolled out of her home on a stretcher. In a surprising twist, Cookie has come to the front door of Anika’s home just as their ready to put her in the ambulance.
Cookie forces herself into the ambulance to ride with Anika, in typical Cookie fashion (“I’m not following, I’m riding; that’s my son’s baby”), and proceeds to have a fleeting moment of understanding with Anika as they ride to the hospital. If you’ll remember, it was revealed earlier in the season that Cookie suffered complications with a baby herself, which resulted in a miscarriage.
Why this is important: This particular scene has created an emotional tether between Anika and Cookie that will more than likely be tested in the future. I believe it is far more important than what it may seem right now.
1. The co-CEO’s
Our number one most important moment of the episode: When Cookie and Lucious become co-CEO’s. If you’ll remember, Hakeem got knocked off the top spot last episode, and with the board on the fence about who to choose, Cookie and Lucious seem like the best fit.
Throughout the episode, discussions arise between the Lyon brother’s on whether Cookie is falling for Lucious once again. This is something she denies, of course, but instances throughout the episode prove otherwise.
Firstly, Cookie refuses the co-chair position at first, until Lucious implores her to take the spot. In a hug that proves tender for Cookie, reveals the look of a very rage-filled Lucious Lyon.
Why this is important: I see this dominating an entire season, but I also see this as a two episode arch. It’s hard to tell right now, with many plot lines woven together so explicitly, but I expect this to be addressed sooner rather than later, aka, the Cookie V. Lucious battle begins now.