Brooke is Reading: The Gilded Razor by Sam Lansky 
The Gilded Razor by Sam Lansky isn’t as pretentious as it may seem. This is Lansky’s debut novel, a memoir no less, and it is worth the time spent. It’s not the best novel I have read, and it’s certainly got content that has been done on a better quality level. But, there’s just something so addicting about Lansky’s voice that allows readers to table their struggles, and figure out how Lansky solves his. It’s a perfect novel for young readers without forcibly instilling misplaced awe. For older readers, it clings to a sense of nostalgia, bitterness, and the heartbreaking moments as Lansky reflects on his addiction and self-loathing in latter teen years. It’s a well executed memoir by Lansky, and at points, it’s hard to know if Lansky is exaggerating his past experiences or if the vulnerable side of Lansky finally cracked itself all the way open.
