Matthew McConuaghey – Dazed and Confused
The road to the Hollywood A-list was not an easy one for Matthew McConaughey, but man did it initially start strong with his first billed acting role in 1993’s Dazed and Confused, a movie that still stands as my favorite made by Linklater. McConaughey’s portrayal David Wooderson, a laidback stoner in his early 20s that still hangs out with high school crowds, is one of if not the most noteworthy acting highlights of the whole film. His distinctive Texas twang enhances the smooth line delivery of the character, which perfectly explains why nearly every line of dialogue he says is still quoted to this day. Believe me that if it weren’t for this role, McConaughey wouldn’t be saying “alright, alright, alright,” and “just keep livin’. L-I-V-I-N,” as much as he has throughout his career. Similar to many other actors Linklater has worked with, he has remained loyal to McConaughey by since casting him in The Newton Boys and Bernie.-Tyler
Ethan Hawke-Before Sunset
While it’s difficult to single out just one of Ethan Hawke’s introspective performances as Jesse to celebrate, Before Sunset see’s him at his quietest, with just two little words capturing his struggle, relief and resolve to stay with the woman he’s never forgotten.
“I know.”
Hawke always had the difficult job of playing Jesse with a charm that isn’t negated by his often times sanctimonious ramblings. He’s a besotted, romantic lead only slightly awake of his own charm, but never smug. Idealistic, a little more melancholy than when we first met him and still as passionate. Jesse is nuanced acting at it’s finest, so much emotion shining through his eyes alone and Hawke wears the character like a second skin.-Ally