There were a lot of returns this episode.
Lexa and Clarke are on their way to Arkadia carrying the body of the dead Ice Queen but they abruptly stop in their tracks as they see the massacre of Lexa’s peace army.
Pike and his team killed all 300 of the peace army. It was a painful sight to see the bodies covering every inch of the ground. Indra was wounded but spared thanks to Bellamy. He convinced Pike to let Indra live in order to deliver a message to Lexa: Pike has rejected being the 13th clan in the coalition.
Lexa immediately calls upon her army as well as the rest of the other ambassadors’ warriors but Clarke insists that she must go and see what exactly happened in the few days she was gone. Lexa agrees but the army is still on its way just in case and they will be arriving within a day. Clarke must find a solution quickly.

Pike certainly kept his promise about finishing what they had started. His team returns without a single one of their men hurt and Abby wonders how they could have possibly done that with a group of 300 warriors. Easy, they attacked while everyone was asleep. Pike shows no remorse whatsoever for his actions even when Bellamy says that they may have gone too far. He is quick to reverse the perspective and mention how many of their own people they saved. WHAT PART OF THE FACT THAT THE PEACE ARMY WAS THERE TO PROTECT THEM DOES PIKE NOT UNDERSTAND?
He continues down his new agenda as chancellor and interns all the sick Grounders that were being treated in medical. As they force a woman who is so ill she can barely stand to walk on her own, Lincoln is so furious he ends up in a fight and being interned himself. Lincoln is disgusted with who Bellamy is becoming but thankfully we learn that Miller is still one of the good guys as he sneaks Lincoln medicine that Abby sent for the interns.

Anyways, Indra sends out a signal for Kane to meet them through the radio she had been given. Kane sends Octavia and she is totally up to the challenge. When she arrives and sees that Indra is badly wounded and that Bellamy was involved with the massacre (even if he spared Indra) you can see how she is torn. Indra was her mentor and a mother figure for Octavia, she identifies with the warrior spirit of the Grounders and yet Bellamy is all she’s ever had. Octavia is driven by integrity and justice and so even though Bellamy is her blood you can see that her view of him has become tainted. It didn’t help that she returned to Arkadia seeing him lock up Lincoln. Strike number two.

Octavia sneaked Clarke in through the secret passageway that Kane showed her. She leads Bellamy into a secret room where Clarke is hiding. Unfortunately, these two who were once teammates, are no longer the same people since the season 2 finale. Bellamy is even more hurt with Clarke after their initial encounter near Polis. That was more icing on the cake because he’s clearly heavily upset that she decided to leave after the destruction of Mount Weather. Bellamy makes a fair statement: he never let Clarke pull the trigger alone but she didn’t care enough to think to stay by his side to deal with the after math. Clarke says that she left because he knew that Arkadia would be safe having him there…I had chills throughout these scenes. We are seeing the old Bellamy return. One who does not listen to Clarke’s orders because she is NOT in charge which he clearly reminds her of. War is eminent and Bellamy will not back down. He handcuffs Clarke to a table and is taking her to Pike when thankfully Octavia shows up and is able to slip away with Clarke.
Abby and Clarke have a moment here and it was hard not to catch the feels. They both know that things are about to get increasingly worse. Clarke asks Abby to come with her but Abby knows she can’t do that and leave so many people behind that need her. Clarke deep down knew what her mother’s answer would be and I’m sure loves her all the more for it. They must say a tearful goodbye for now.

This episode also featured the return of Murphy and Emori. They have been doing fine by coning people by having Murphy play dead in the road and ransacking any nice person that comes along the road to offer him help. They’re also having quite a dandy time making out. Everything is going well until they split up because Emori wants to go back for her brother and Murphy won’t join her. Emori returns to Murphy just in time to see him being attacked by a group of grounders who have heard about their con. She’s hiding out in the bushes and see that the grounders find the City of Light pill in his backpack which they called the “sacred symbol.” It’s because of the pill that they don’t kill Murphy right on the spot. In order to get information they decide to let him live but take him away as a prisoner.
Murphy can never have things going smoothly for him for too long. It will be interesting to see how this “sacred symbol” plays out with the grounders. What could it mean to them?
As Clarke leaves a familiar face returns to Arkadia: Jaha. Oh Jaha, I can’t stand you…ever.
He returns to Arkadia with A.L.I.E in tow. They’ve basically come to win over all of Arkadia to the City of Light pill, preaching a sermon to anyone who will give him the time of day about the pill erasing all pain and giving total peace. I mean talk about total peace, Jaha isn’t alarmed when Otan is killed by the Ark guards. He says that it’s alright his friend was killed because “death is not the end.” We all had the same look of bewilderment as Abby did as she heard him speak. Kane and Abby are intrigued but are not buying the message of the City of Light. Jaha speaks to Pike about it and Pike’s reaction shows he thinks Jaha has lost his mind.

A.L.I.E insists that he must get to Raven because if she complies the rest will follow.
Raven is definitely in a very vulnerable state to give in to the pill. Her leg injury is only getting worse and she hasn’t been medically cleared by Abby which means she can’t continue with her work tasks. She feels useless and is stuck sorting metal scraps as her new job duty instead. Raven hates being seen as weak and when the pain of her leg is far too much to bear she swallows the pill that Jaha conveniently left for her.
She gets up and after just a few steps her leg is completely healed and she begins to freak out in amazement. As she looks up from her leg with her mouth still wide open in awe she sees the A.L.I.E vision, who tells her that it’s time to get back to work.
And with that this week’s episode ends leaving us all in suspense because I have a feeling that the city of light pill could be the equivalent to vertigo in the Arrow series…which would mean total chaos.
There’s still so much about A.L.I.E and the City of Light that I don’t understand. All I know is that it creeps me out and gives me a bad feeling. I also don’t understand why Jaha was just welcomed back with open arms after everyone knows he causes confusion, uproar and riots. He took twelve people with him last time and the only one that was left alive is Murphy. What does this say about him? Why do people even listen or even still like him? I don’t get it. Can Abby and Kane have a backbone for once.
What did you think of this episode?
Do you know anything more about the City of Light? What are you theories about A.L.I.E’s evil plans for Arkadia?
Leave your comments below!