After the dynamic premiere last week, Lucifer returned with a more flat following episode but that is to be expected when the show is a procedural crime show that isn’t focused on one plot all season. Each episode has a new crime which doesn’t always connect with the audience, but making these murders personal for the leads definitely helps.
This week’s crime is centered around the car crash of a well known celebrity who dies on impact. The blame falls on a paparazzo who was trailing the star right before the car accident, but as always, things aren’t what they seem at first. The photographer confesses but Chloe’s gut feeling has her questioning how accurate this open and shut case could be. With the persistent help from Lucifer and his secret desire powers, Chloe realizes that the paparazzo confessed because he is guilty, of other things to be more exact, but not of this murder. Lucifer on the other hand takes the suspicion straight to the paparazzo, Nick, who reveals some information from Chloe’s past. When she was 19, after she starred in the movie that made Lucifer her biggest fan, her dad died. And if that wasn’t hard enough, Nick crashed the funeral for the sake of getting the first picture. Chloe proves that her detective skills are in fact present when she catches onto a fellow photographer and Nick’s protege, Josh, questioning his involvement in the crime.
Turns out that Nick took the blame hoping that Josh would take this as a warning and would be on the path to a better life, but it backfired. Instead, Josh took Nick’s absence as his time to finally be number one. With his teacher behind bars, Josh has full reign in the press, getting the first picture before anything else. With this knowledge, Lucifer decides to take control of the punishment, kidnapping both Josh and Nick and presenting them both with guns. This sick twisted game only gets worse when he watches to see who will shoot who first. Josh doesn’t wait long before pointing his gun at Nick and going as far as pulling the trigger. But here’s the twist, the gun had no bullets but Nick grabs for the second gun which is the more dangerous one. Chloe arrives just in time to intervene but not before Lucifer calls on Amenadiel so that time could stop while he removes the fatal bullet from midair.

This week we caught another glimpse into Lucifer as the actual Devil and not just a good looking guy in a perfectly tailored suit. He doesn’t like liars to the point of showing his true self in an attempt to scare those who lie to him. Lucifer doesn’t take much seriously, but honesty is important to him. He continues to be as honest as possible, telling literally anyone who listens that he is the Devil. But as always, no one actually listens, speaking a lot to the way that we tend to be unaware of the obvious in real life. These small moments where Lucifer shows his dark side remind us that behind his smirks and sass hides something scary. And the moments where that side is triggered isn’t fun for anyone. This will definitely continue to grow each week and I for one am very excited.
Lucifer’s brother Amenadiel makes another appearance and it just gets better and better. He is a character filled with potential, we know the reason behind his visits but we don’t know much more. We are supposed to see him as the ”party pooper” but there’s got to be more to him than just that, right? Right. Getting an early glimpse at episodes five and six confirmed my biggest wish, more screen time for Lucifer’s mysterious brother. His plot will extend past the occasional visits with Lucifer to remind him that Hell needs him and that he is slowly becoming more human thanks to a certain female detective.
Maze also got more screen time but not enough in my opinion. She gets an interesting twist later on in the season that only defines her character more. Maze’s actions are always defined by one person, Lucifer. Everything that she does is to protect him even if he doesn’t understand it himself. She is one of two female leads that I am hoping gets a bigger role. Linda is Lucifer’s therapist with benefits but it might be time to see more of the therapist portion. We know that it’s there, but the small portions that we see aren’t enough when it comes to Lucifer’s backstory.
Chloe and Lucifer are still at odds, with Chloe more irritated than anything else. She visits his club, hoping to find out more about him, but so far all her research has her more confused then ever. She looks into him and all she knows is that he didn’t exist until five years ago and initiating a steamy moment gets her more questions than answers. Not to mention his need to mess with Chloe in her work place, like smoking some pot that could have been evidence if Lucifer didn’t have some fun with it first. Later he encased her personal life as well when he visits her house to make his usual snarky comments and talk to her daughter Trixie as if she was a dog. Funny, but definitely not the way to a girl’s heart. Lucifer can’t seem to do anything right, because while taunting and sarcasm is his expertise, it doesn’t help Chloe whose past resurfaces. While she struggles to reign in the old her, Lucifer spends most of his time not exactly helping and causing more trouble all around. In between getting frustrated with him, Chloe also struggles to explain who Lucifer is and after visiting Jimmy she only gets more unprepared for the answer. Knowing and believing are two very different things and Chloe seems to be learning that when it comes to Lucifer, nothing is just black and white.
Lucifer has promising parts but sometimes the crimes of the week distract from plots that stole my attention in the beginning. My curiosity about Lucifer’s story might just be me, but the show is still finding its footing. So it makes sense if some storylines don’t always attract, as we keep watching I am sure the leads will keep our attention. The dialogue of the show just keeps getting better and the story is not far behind it. And not to spoil anything but episodes five and six are real game changers. Things are not going to be easy for Lucifer, that’s for sure.
Lucifer airs Mondays on FOX.