This week’s episode of Younger was stellar!
Kelsey is ecstatic about her promotion as the new editor-in-chief for Millenial Imprint, a new publishing department. Liza and Lauren are there to cheer their girl on and help her every way they can. Unfortunately, they’re unable to stop her from reading the comment section on her press release for the launch party. Reading the comments is a decision everyone usually regrets and Kelsey was no exception. People were belittling her as a woman by assuming that she got her promotion by sleeping her way up there. Younger got real during this episode about the hurdles that women face in their career. Kelsey being questioned about her skills and talent simply because she is also a beautiful young woman. But also, Diana who has to worry about becoming irrelevant because of her age.
Again, I loved all of the millennial lingo that was used. Shoutout to the fatjewish IG account that even made an appearance!
Among all the commotion with Kelsey’s promotion and Liza not telling her the truth about her age, Liza and Josh decide to keep their work and social life separate. He prides himself on living an authentic life and Liza has complicated that. So with this launch party going on he has been “ghosting” Liza. Ghosting is when someone isn’t talking to you but they are however appearing on all of your friends’ news feeds.
It’s not until Maggie gives Josh a wake up call that he finally snaps out of it. He goes to look for her at their apartment and instead finds out Maggie is having a sex party behind Liza’s back to make money for rent (lol)! Maggie gives it to him straight, reminding him that life is complicated and not ever what we plan for. He needs to mature and realize the woman that he has with Liza and decide if he will be able to deal or not instead of stringing her along.
Meanwhile at the launch party, Kelsey is having a breakdown. I would too if I had to wear that heinous dress those so called couture designers made. There aren’t many words to describe what it looks like, besides “ew.” Kelsey begins to have a panic attack under all of the pressure and her boyfriend Thad is one of the most useless guys I have ever seen. When will he be gone?!
Liza has to step in and take over. And here we witness some of the best moments of the show, reminding us why we love it so much. Kelsey is on the floor freaking out and Liza cuts her out of that hideous dress allowing her to be able to breathe again. She reminds Kelsey that none of us know what we are doing and that that’s okay, we “fake it til we make it.” The best solid advice on this planet actually. Their sisterhood shines brightest in this instant, showing two women helping the other in their career instead of stepping on each other. Not only that but Kelsey’s words about feeling like an “impostor” with the daunting challenge ahead is a sentiment that probably echoed to many a millennial watching. Liza calms Kelsey down through a stellar speech that was actually quite beautiful and relatable!
Charles notices that Liza fed the speech to Kelsey and commends her on a job well done. It’s not the first time he compliments her that night since he said what a “friendly mug” she has. His flirting skills are on point. Charles even asks Liza about her relationship status to which the ghosting situation comes up. He offers to get her a glass of champagne and in that instant that he walks away she gets a text from Josh. He misses her, and not only that but he shows up at the launch party to surprise her. SO CUTE! He tells her how he’s okay with covering her because she’s a secret worth keeping…in that moment I died a little.
Charles looks from afar and offers them the champagne and I can’t help but notice a little rivalry tension between Josh and Charles as they shake hands. Was that just me or were these men already dueling subliminally?
I REALLY enjoyed this episode. I feel it was much better put together than last week’s and relatable to how millennials excel but are also overwhelmed with the challenges that responsibilities throw their way. The writing once again was impeccable. I believe the writing on this show is what has so many of us hooked on it. The line about how now people eat kale and speak the truth was hilarious! The friendship bonds this show exemplifies really outweighs even the great chemistry between the couples. Liza and Kelsey are everything! Their support towards one another is inspirational and I love seeing that on a TV show, demonstrating women can all succeed in harmony.
Rating: 9/10