In elementary school, I read “The Clique” series and the “Canterwood Crest” series, devouring the stories of these impossibly cultured middle school girls. Then, I got to middle school and realized my life was boring in comparison. In middle school I also happened to read books about high school kids with intriguing, exciting lives. I’m in high school now, and I have to say my life is nothing like how high school life is described in books like King Dork Approximately. Yet, I still find such books impossible to put down!
Tom Henderson is the same old King Dork from “cult-classic” King Dork, just with stitches and a head wound. He’s still trying to figure out who to blame for the scar on his forehead and his father’s death, but the happenings in King Dork have made him a changed man. The converse of what Kelly Clarkson preaches, what doesn’t make you stronger kills you. Tenth grade, as Tom realizes, is that killer. His beliefs about alphabetical order friendship, recycling, school spirit, girls, rock and roll, and the Catcher Code are about to explode in his face. If only the Avengers could make a pit stop and help him out. Yeah, not going to happen.
Tom sees the world in a different light. Such a light dims for a bit when trouble arises, but this exploratory, unsure feeling of utter adolescence permeates through the whole book. King Dork Approximately is at its core a coming-of-age novel, albeit a zanier one than most. I couldn’t help but laugh at Tom’s quirky internal monologues, though at times I was a little taken aback by his stimulated personality. On another note, Tom’s juxtaposition of formal, elegant sentences with slightly more immature comments is on point. Tom doesn’t seem like some adult who’s trying to write about teens. He seems so real and vivid; the resemblance is uncanny at times.
I had long ago given up trying to discern any hint of sarcasm, or mockery, or even mild irony in this sort of behavior at Clearview High School: there really wasn’t any. These people, as crazy as it seems, really were this into it, and the “it” they were into, believe it or not, was simply high school. Damnedest thing I ever did see.
Tom’s a fan of rock’n’roll. (He and his friend primarily listen to vinyl.) I love Tom’s taste in music. It was refreshing to get selections of “real” music. Honestly, I was half reading this book, half Youtubing all the songs that were recommended.
Although King Dork Approximately isn’t quite music to my ears, it’s definitely closer to music than to static.
Rating: 6 out of 10
Publisher: Delacorte Press (December 9th, 2014)
ISBN #: 9780385736183
Length: 384 pages (Hardcover)
Source: Netgalley