If you think you’re going insane because Lisa Schroeder’s name sounds familiar, fear not. Lisa Schroeder has authored many young adult novels, including Far From You, The Day Before, Chasing Brooklyn, and I Heart You, You Haunt Me. Now comes the explosive secret that I will finally reveal – I actually haven’t read any of Lisa Schroeder’s other novels. Gasp! Wait, what? No fireworks, audible gasping, or Facebook messages? What has my life turned into now? Actually, don’t answer that.
This awesomely titled book is about a girl named Lauren and a guy named Colby. Narrated by both Lauren and Colby, The Bridge from Me to You documents their stories as they meet, fall in love, and learn to overcome the obstacles in their paths. Lauren learns to reveal the secret she’s been keeping and finally stands up for herself. Colby realizes that his life, while meant to be guided by adults with good intentions, is ultimately his own. This local football star learns to chase after his real dreams.
The Bridge from Me to You is a fun, romantic read that makes you feel happy after you’ve read it. It’s just way too cute not to read! Although there’s a little too much insta-love for my own tastes, Lauren and Colby are nice characters who actually don’t annoy me. Yup, I’m a total optimist. When I said nice, I truly meant it. The Bridge from Me to You is one of the few novels I read where both main characters are genuinely kind, caring people. If that doesn’t make you want to read this book, then I don’t know what will.
By the way, not only is Lauren a nice person, but she’s also a crazily talented poet. I absolutely adore the fact that her poetry is included in the novel. Not only does that provide a refreshing break from typical narration, but it also has me begging to read Lisa Schroeder’s other works. Plus, it makes Lauren so much more than a typical girl in a young adult book.
My only complaint is that The Bridge from Me to You has many filler moments. Throughout the novel, there were times when I just wanted the book to be finished. Honestly, at least twenty percent of the book could be taken out without a significant impact. Of course, it wasn’t horrible reading, but more of the author’s writing. I just wanted the book to be finished so I could read her other novels!
Rating: 6 out of 10
Publisher: Point (July 29th, 2014)
Source: Netgalley
ISBN #: 9780545646017
Length: 336 pages (Hardcover)