As a wannabe rebellious teenager, I tend not to listen to adages and cliche sayings. For example, I always judge a book by its cover. While such a habit is usually bad, in this case, it worked pretty well. There’s something about the cover of Creators– the title, the background, and Tess are placed and done extremely well. Of course, Creators is so much more than a book with a great cover. It’s also a brilliant conclusion to the Lost Souls trilogy!
This is the end. Creators starts off with Tess returning to the Isolationists. Stronger and more determined than ever, Tess is willing to do whatever it takes to save her people. Meanwhile, she also receives letters from James, whose information brings a new perspective to what reality truly is. It’ll take more than just strength and understanding to save the world. This time, it’ll take the help of those who were once considered enemies. Too bad Tess doesn’t know who they are…
One word that can describe my reaction to the entirety of the novel is “wow.” Creators brings the phrase “bombs will be dropped” and “it’s too pro” to new levels. And no, I don’t mean bombs… do I? I mean figurative bombs. The plot of Creators is truly one of a kind, not just due to the highly emotional plot. Overall, I found the plot of Creators to be the strongest of the trilogy. Not only has Tiffany Truitt developed Tess, but she also developed the development of the plot. AKA the reader grows quite emotionally attached to the characters, a few in particular… HONESTLY, WHY DOES ________ HAVE TO DIE? JUST WHY??? More seriously though, Creators‘ plot is honestly strong. Not only is there a lot of action, but Tiffany Truitt also adds a psychological element missing in the plot of the other two novels.
Okay, so maybe I’m getting too emotionally involved in Creators, but hey, cut me some slack. Creators is just too well-written and too beautiful and too great to not get involved in. So I’m getting overdramatic. Big deal. The point is, by the powers of me, I deem the conclusion to the Lost Souls trilogy as a book worth reading. Therefore I deem the Lost Souls trilogy worth any reader’s time. Thus, every reader, including you, should somehow read it. Trust me, this YA book is actually incredibly legit.
Rating: 6 out of 10
Publisher: Entangled Teen ( April 28th, 2014)
Source: Netgalley
ISBN #: 9781622661527
Length: 400 pages (Paperback)