Oh. My. God. Kill me now. On second thought, don’t kill me just yet; I need to read Camelot Burning another million times! Typically, YA fantasy is not my cup of tea, yet Kathryn Rose managed to impress the critic in me. Not only is her writing style exquisite, but the plot is constructed magnificently, not to mention that Marcus is a brilliant guy. Insert about a billion swoons right here.
Camelot isn’t burning just yet, but it’s going to very soon if our main character Vivienne can’t rise to the challenge of keeping the peace. You see, Vivienne is a unique girl- she’s both Merlin’s apprentice and Guinivere’s lady-in-waiting. Enter Morgan le Fay, sister of Arthur, acquaintance of Merlin, and enemy of almost everyone in the story. She’s a feared sorceress and an almost unstoppable villain. If Vivienne doesn’t build a weapon fast enough, Morgan will destroy just about everything Vivienne values.
First off, Morgan le Fay is the best villain ever. She’s so complex, twisted, clever and evil all at the same time. What’s unique about Morgan le Fay is her past; you can’t help but want to give her a hug and then stab her in the heart. Her reasons are understandable, well as understandable as a villain’s reasoning can get. Not only that, but she’s got some wicked dialogues. Honestly, she’s simply unforgettable. What I love is that you truly don’t know if good or evil will win this round, but you do know that whatever happens will be mind blowing!
Now let’s move onto Vivienne, our kick-butt heroine. She’s smart, loyal, observant, caring and determined. She also isn’t annoyingly sarcastic or clingy; she’s the ideal independent Arthurian apprentice to Merlin. AKA she’s the only Arthurian apprentice to Merlin… She stays true to herself throughout the whole entire novel, and she developments to become a mature woman. SCORE.
As for Marcus, he’s simply as godly as a man can be. Good looks? Check. Charming, swoon-inducing attitude? Check. Loyal, mysterious, brave, kind? Check. Possesses a secret that will break your heart? Check too. What I love about Marcus is that he’s actually a developed character who’s important to the story not just as a love interest. Many times the love interest is underdeveloped, but Marcus has a developed role, not just developed abs!
Plot-wise, Kathryn Rose just makes your mind go GAAAAAAAHHHHH. The whole premise is unique, and then Kathryn just adds in countless twists and turns that make you just want to explode. (Don’t worry, I’m still alive.) Seriously though, this plot has been meticulously revised into a masterpiece. Heads. Will Explode. (Just not yours.) Jaws. Will. Drop. (Yup, yours.)
Rating: 10 out of 10 (Yes. This is basically unprecedented!)
Publisher: Flux (May 8, 2014)
Source: Netgalley
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Historical, YA, Fiction