Listen, I know what I said in the past about Misfits. I miss the original cast, I truly do, you probably reading this miss them too. Was Misfits worth watching anymore? I’m not so sure about the past series, since it was all over the place and to me it was more of like getting to know the new cast, even if their powers rarely made appearances, but guess what? I kept on watching. Why? Because I want to know what happens to the young offenders doing community service that just so happen to have superpowers.
If you haven’t seen Series 4, here’s the lowdown: There’s a somewhat of a love triangle between Finn, Jess and Alex. Well, the series ends with Alex getting a lung transplant after having some apocalypse guy sent by Rudy’s love interest (I feel so bad for Rudy) stab him with a sword while he was trying to protect Jess. Oh and Abbey also happened to sleep with Rudy which made Jess kind of jealous. Alex is taken to the hospital and Rudy remembers that Curtis once told him about his once girlfriend Nikki who had a heart transplant from someone affected by the storm and how because of this she was able to teleport.
Series 5 starts off with a girl approaching Alex at the hospital after his surgery, begging him to sleep with her because that way he’ll be able to take away her power of making accidents happen. Alex’s lung belonged to a man whose power was to sleep with people and take their powers away. At the same time, Jess still wonders if she should forgive Alex for cheating on her after he saved her life. On the other hand, there are some boy scouts at the community centre who just so happen to be agents of Satan who begin recruiting by recruiting Finn and consequently the rest of the gang . Yes, you read that right, agents of Satan. Ah, Misfits, here you go again. Furthermore, Rudy 2 finds a flyer about a “Power Support Group”, in which people who have been affected by the storm attend, kind of like an AA group for people with superpowers. The best thing about the Power Support Group, is the fact that we see some familiar faces from past series, which give me some hope that Misfits will finish with an epic finale that hopefully involves the original cast in some way, and even if it doesn’t, it’s exciting to see the direction where the show is going to wrap things up. The episode ends with Rudy 2 receiving a sweater from a lady from the support group who knits the future to which he replies “Are we going to become proper superheroes?“
No one can deny that Misfits even with some unmemorable episodes in the latter series, it still manages to entertain, and to be honest, this episode alone redeemed Series 4 for me because after getting to know the new characters, this episode felt like revisiting old friends and I laughed throughout the whole thing. There’s hope guys. This episode had powers, drama and classic Misfits ridiculousness, I have a feeling that Howard Overman will have an epic ending in store for those of us who have been watching this show from day one.
If you’re in the US (like myself), you can watch Misfits on Hulu.
What did you think of the premiere of Misfits Series 5? Let us know in the comments!