There should be something said about an episode titled “Dangerous Territory” and yet doesn’t have a single dangerous thing in it. Upon first reading the title, it sounds like it would be full of many “dangerous” things. Sex, drugs, and alcohol, those are the after-school topics that come to mind when I read the phrase “Dangerous Territory,” and they’re all topics that CW loves to showcase. Sadly, two out of those three topics weren’t even mentioned, and the topic that was mentioned wasn’t even worth mentioning.
Carrie is busy being an intern when she meets George, a boy who could’ve been plucked straight from the pages of Gossip Girl. Still heartbroken over Sebastian (who is now dating Donna LaDonna), Carrie decides to go to George’s swanky, high class, WASP party that his mother is hosting. Fun fact: George’s dad is that sleazy lawyer friend of Tom Bradshaw’s we met a few episodes ago; it really is a small world after all. Carrie heads to the party after avoiding a potential fashion disaster, she arrives at the WASP party where she is completely overwhelmed by all the Upper East Side WASPS and their entitled offspring. These actors playing the UES crowd were very good at their job. I couldn’t stand watching them, it was like richkidsofinstagram in living, breathing form; the whole dinner scene made me want to cry into my cup o’ noodles and student loans. While the wannabe Blair Waldorfs were infuriatingly annoying, there was another annoying moment in tonight’s episode that took the cake. Donna LaDonna and her fake band of Plastics to fit into the flow of the show but it doesn’t work. Their whole little group could be written off of the show and not a single thing would be lost. LaDonna really does nothing to drive the show along. Her whole purpose is to play the bad girl archetype when there doesn’t seem to be a need for one. If the writers just expanded her character, I think it would make for a much better show.
Mouse’s character has grown a lot since the first episode. Her storyline was the only one that even stepped foot inside of dangerous territory. Since getting together with her boyfriend Seth, Mouse has been questioning her skills in the bedroom. With a little help from Walt and a how-to-video, Mouse becomes an expert and wows her boyfriend. She wows him until he questions where she learned her moves. Mouse, rightfully, takes offense to her boyfriend’s sexist views on the difference between men and women when it comes to sexual promiscuity and puts him in his place. I was cheering Mouse on when she went on her feminist mini-speech about sexual promiscuity. It was great to see Mouse stand up for herself after so many episodes of her acting like a shy little wallflower with no backbone. It’s nice to know that she actually has some fire in her and can use it extremely well.
Back to Carrie, after trying to maneuver her way through the rich kid crowd, Carrie decides that she’s had enough and leaves the party only to be brought back by George. George seems to find her middle class ways absolutely endearing even though his mother isn’t Carrie’s biggest fan at first. After a little chat, the pair finds that they have something in common: Carrie’s mother. Carrie’s mom and George’s mom were friends back in a time before Carrie was even born. I think my favorite aspect of the entire series is Carrie’s journey with dealing with her mother’s death. It’s sentimentally sweet when George’s mom talks to Carrie and tells her things that she didn’t know about her mom. To have Carrie learn brand new things about her mom even though she’s dead was very heartwarming and it shows that even though Carrie seems to be pulling through, she still, understandably, misses her mom.
My dear Tom Bradshaw learned in this episode that it was okay to move on with his life. Unfortunately, there was no Dorrit this episode. I can only hope she and Morrissey will return in their entire glory next episode.
Here’s next week’s promo for episode 1×06 “Endgame”