Terming his music “mellow hype,” emerging electronic artist Casper Sun releases his debut LP, Sunshine Radio, an album embracing a smorgasbord of styles, sounds, and topics.

Casper explains, “‘Sunshine Radio’ was really inspired by the nights I spent up in middle school listening to the program ‘Love Line’ on KROQ, a radio station in LA that played rock music during the day, At night, the station opened up its phone lines for people to call in about their personal problems, and that’s when I really started to pay attention. Listening to ‘Love Line’ as a kid really opened my eyes to what people go through. Whether it’s personal, relationship, or familial issues, everyone has a struggle in one shape or form, and it’s really about how we can get through these problems together that define not only who we are as people and but also as a community. I know my problems are not unique at the end of the day, so I use Casper as a way of connecting with others and creating a space for all of us to sing, cry and dance together. I make music for sad people to dance to and after we get out of the pandemic, I’d love nothing more than to share a dance with everyone.”
Encompassing 11-tracks, entry points on Sunshine Radio include “Wavy Luv,” rolling out on shimmering colors segueing into a gleaming alt-pop flavored tune with hints of hip-hop-lite running through it. Casper’s velvety tones imbue the lyrics with creamy quixotic flavors.
A personal favorite, “Prblms” rides a driving, thumping rhythm merging tinges of alt-pop and dance elements. Tasty breakdowns shift the harmonics, resurfacing with layers of alluring, potent leitmotifs.
“Mercury Glider” conjures up memories of Jack White covering The Cure as Casper’s rapping flow gives the lyrics impassioned hues. While “Visions,” featuring Chow Mane, travels on melodic washes of emo hip-hop. A brawny rhythmic pulse laces the tune with a muscular cadence topped by cashmere vocals.
“Electric Eye” amalgamates psychedelic pop hues with bursts of hip-hop, producing a tantalizing song rife with dark, surging energy. The nursery rhyme-Esque intro to “858 Crash Land” belies its eventual polychromatic ripples of dream-laced hip-hop.
Sunshine Radio exudes emotional passion both intense and focused, delivering cap-a-pie layers of vibrating colors resting on throbbing rhythms.
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