The post-wedding drama affected all the Dynasty characters in their unique ways. “The Aftermath” was true to its name since it picked up right after the wedding and the characters dealt with the consequences of what happened. Whether it was Evan crashing the wedding or Alexis’ plan for the diamond mine, those decisions left huge repercussions to come. Between the pair, the former had more emotional and mental updates while the latter was just full soapy drama. A good balance for whatever type of Dynasty plot you’re feeling at the moment.
Fallon’s reaction to the Evan attack was an intriguing development for her character. By now, Fallon has faced off against lying in-laws, amnesia plots, and Claudia holding the entire family at gunpoint, but it was Evan’s turn with the knife that affected her the most. I liked how Dynasty explained the reasoning and connected the dots for her sudden rush of agoraphobia. Evan was kind, unassuming, and seemed like a nice guy who had a crush on her, but he was a deranged man beneath the surface who hurt people in her life. Fallon didn’t expect that side of Evan, catching her off-guard; that’s a big difference to other people in her life who Fallon typically views as insane, like Laura, Claudia, or Adam. A close encounter like that would have negative side effects, even if she wasn’t addressing them head-on.
The sudden rush to take care of Blake and Kirby was a combination of guilt and avoidance. “The Aftermath” showcased many comedic moments of her jumping into nurse mode to solve any problem within the manor. Though, Liam was right on the money: Fallon could help with breakfast, but she wouldn’t be able to do all the nurse and manor work too; there would come a point where she’d throw in the towel. It’s great Dynasty treated us to the montage of Fallon’s best and worst bits as the nurse—that is definitely not a career Fallon can successfully hold again in the future.

By now, Liam is used to all the weird happenings at Carrington Manor and within the family. Since Fallon didn’t come clean right away, it took its toll on Liam, affecting their honeymoon. Communication is very important in a relationship (Dynasty couples are no exception), so Fallon needed to open up and start talking with Liam to get through any issues. Thankfully, the pair were able to chat and work things out. Fallon and Liam are one of the Dynasty couples that I’m hoping can stick through it. They’ve faced so much these last few seasons that for them to end over something like Evan would be a travesty. Please let them start having happier moments now that the wedding is done and they’ve survived the Evan attack!
Blake and Cristal, on the other hand, have several huge hurdles they need to overcome if they’re going to work. Cristal dating the priest is something that could end, but Blake will eventually become interested in gaining power again or trying to takeover Carrington Atlantic; he loves his power too much. But let’s be real, Cristal and Blake are most likely going to get back together. Did you see the sparks between them when Cristal helped Blake with his ice? If Cristal truly wanted to end things with Blake, she wouldn’t have offered to be his physical therapist. Space and cutting off the relationship would’ve been the right call to ensure the relationship ended, but she gave Blake an inch toward repairing all the damage he had caused. It won’t be surprising when these two get back into bed together once he has fully healed from his attack.
Anders keeping the recording of Adam will most likely come back to haunt him. Either Adam will retaliate to ensure the recording is destroyed or Kirby’s relationship with her father will be damaged because he broke his promise to allow the couple to be happy. Anders went out of his way trying to protect Kirby, a smart tactic coming from a good place. However, now that he’s made a stand, him going back on that will hurt him more than what he had done before. Kirby is an adult and he needs to trust her decisions about who she wants to date. This could be the foreshadowing of a dangerous climax to the Anders vs. Adam war.

Dominique and Alexis’ plan to fool Jeff was never going to work. Even if they had successfully got him to sign the diamond mine deal, their tactics to get him to that decision would never hold up in court. Both Dominique and Alexis would be charged with fraud for making Jeff believe in a fake third party as part of the deal; Jeff could sue for fraud and get a much larger share of the diamonds or everything at all. The plot to create a fake person was very soapy and suited Dynasty’s flair for the dramatics, but the thread could easily be pulled to unravel this mess, which was what exactly happened! How was it that soccer was the piece that unraveled everything?!
Speaking of Jeff, is anyone else excited for him staying at Carrington Manor? Him being at the mansion with most of the Carringtons while going through a messy divorce with Alexis just sounds so deliciously fun. Dynasty Season 1 started with tension between the Carringtons and the Colbys, so it’s nice to have that element return in a confined setting. Now, if only Monica could return too, the family drama between the Colbys could spill over to the Carringtons as well and become full chaos. (It’s the little things to look forward to…).
“The Aftermath” was a good transition episode after the thrilling events of Fallon and Liam’s wedding. Some plots closed their books while other threads entered a new chapter in their ongoing chaos, like Blake/Cristal and Alexis/Jeff/Dominique. Fallon is embracing having a real partner for once and Blake has put the first pieces of his plan to get Cristal back into place. And, the drama over the diamond mine and divorce is just getting started. With so many transitions, we’ll need to keep our eyes peeled to see where these stories go next.
Dynasty airs new episodes Fridays at 9 p.m. EST on The CW and streams Thursdays on