The poltergeists may be evil, but the rich families of Horseshoe Bay are savage! Aunt Diana delivered the most cutthroat and heartbreaking moment during “The Quest for the Spider Sapphire” on Nancy Drew. Since the series premiere, we’ve followed Bess’s journey to reunite with her family and claim the heritage she long desired. Now, for all of that to be swept away in one sharp cut, the loss hit hard. How could your heart not break for Bess during this huge development for her character’s future? Nancy Drew went for the heartbreaking loss… and it worked.
Bess’s troubles stemmed from all the secrets she carried and the decisions she made along the way. Aunt Diana already knew about the fake husband and being a con artist in the U.K. If Bess had looped her into the plan ahead of time, Diana could’ve joined in to save George and Nancy. Plus, since the necklace was chipped, the betrayal would’ve backfired as the necklace would be back in Diana’s possession since she would’ve known about the deal. Instead, Bess came across looking like a thief and someone who would betray the family for other motives. Bess made the wrong call about how to approach this situation; her husband could’ve been defeated a different way.
Also, his twist for getting revenge on Bess was so petty and weak. Going out of his way to destroy her family connection was no guarantee; he wouldn’t know if Aunt Diana would disown Bess or forgive her. He got lucky that Diana chose family and honor over Bess’s actions. Hopefully, this will be the last we see of him on Nancy Drew. He caused the chaos he needed to and now he can depart to be never seen again.

The Odette and Nancy kidnapping filled in some gaps we needed to know about the mystery. The Aglaeca being a manifestation of Odette’s pain and murder made sense since that force brewed over the years into becoming a deadly legend. Though, she can’t easily wash away all culpability—Odette played a part in being the Aglaeca, so there’s a small part she knew what she was doing. And if she wanted to redeem herself, she would vacate George’s body to leave her alone. George’s life is at risk because Odette doesn’t want to leave. If the ritual gets performed again, no one will come out a winner in this.
It’s great that George admitted the truth to Nick. Keeping the ghostly secret would only tear them apart down the line when he did find out. Plus, if her life is at risk due to the possession, he needs to know so that he can help her. Both of their lives were tied together due to the Aglaeca death curse and they’re currently dating—they’re a unit and need to work together. George and Nick need to start being open with one another to keep their relationship moving forward.

Will the news article expose Ryan being the father of Nancy? Nancy Drew seems to be setting up the plot of the reporter digging into his family tree, and based on how intrepid the reporter seems, she’ll uncover the truth eventually. Though, I’m not sure if she’ll publish the story with the truth in it. I have a feeling she may choose to protect Ryan and Nancy from Ryan’s father; the pair started a budding friendship and the reporter did mention that Ryan was different than the rest of his family. This potentially could hold off exposing the truth for a while; however, the odds might be that the Hudsons will find out the truth eventually. The small-town drama is writing itself about the paternity storylines.
“The Quest for the Spider Sapphire” was a quaint little tale that exposed much of Bess’s past and altered her future. Compared to all the mysteries of the past, this one seemed small in comparison and pretty straightforward. This is now the second week in a row where the solution turned out to be a human occurrence instead of something paranormal. There’s nothing wrong with these types of cases—we need them to round out the stories and add more human drama into the mix. Though, the case should be just as thrilling if there’s a ghost or not.
Nancy Drew airs new episodes Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST on The CW and streams Thursdays on