Moving on from the 80s sitcom aesthetic, WandaVision is back with a style more in line with that of a 90s sitcom. The “Malcolm in the Middle” inspired intro, fourth wall breaks, and caricatures heavily reflect the types of family-based sitcoms that were popular in the 90s. Even Pietro Maximoff, who was introduced in the last episode, takes up the “mischievous uncle” role as he causes chaos with his nephews.
As the title indicates, Halloween is backdrop for this week’s episode. As Billy and Tommy get ready for the night ahead of them, Wanda, Vision, and Pietro dawn their own comic book accurate costumes. Vision tells Wanda that he needs to join up with the neighborhood watch and can’t go trick-or-treating with the rest of them. Wanda finds that suspicious but let’s him go. With that, Wanda, Pietro, Tommy, and Billy venture out to join the Halloween festivities. In the middle of having fun and causing trouble, Tommy and Billy discover their powers, inheriting the same abilities as their mother and uncle. Meanwhile, Wanda learns that Vision isn’t with the neighborhood watch.

On the other side of the hex, the team at S.W.O.R.D. strategizes what their next move should be. This eventually leads Monica Rambeau to confront Director Hayward about how he should approach Wanda, prompting Hayward to take Rambeau, Jimmy Woo, and Darcy Lewis off the mission. This setback doesn’t stop the three of them from knocking out few guards and escaping. They go back into the base where Darcy starts to hack into Hayward’s files, while Monica and Jimmy gear up to go into the hex.
Darcy tracks Vision and sees how the other people around him are completely still. Vision has become increasingly more curious about Westview and how Wanda is controlling their reality. He finds a confused Agnes in her car at the edge of town and brings out her real consciousness for a few seconds. She tells Vision that no one can leave this town, that he’s an Avenger and that he’s dead. Agnes starts repeatedly yelling “dead,” and the mental toll of Wanda’s control is once again apparent to Vision.
He then continues walking, reaching barrier of the hex and tries to break free. As he makes his way out, parts of his body get pulled back to Westview, showing he can’t leave. Wanda soon finds out about this when one of their sons mentally detects his father’s distress, and she expands the hex, overtaking the entire S.W.O.R.D. base and everyone aside from Hayward, Jimmy, and Monica.
This is easily one of the biggest developments in WandaVision so far. The fact that nearly everyone has been forced into the hex will lead to some huge consequences. This, more than anything, shows how powerful Wanda is and how she’ll do anything to protect Vision.
WandaVision releases a new episode every Friday on Disney Plus.