The Committee alliance claimed another victim during Week 7 of Big Brother: All-Stars. In this case, it was a three-time player (and a contender for the America’s Favorite Player prize), Da’Vonne. Nothing seems to be breaking the powerful majority alliance – they have held firm with simple and uneventful plays that continue to drag things on for another week. Once Memphis won the Head of Household competition, the outlook looked bleak for the outsider, and us viewers watching from home hoping that something would change things up. Unfortunately, Week 7 matched another phase of the game that is stuck in limbo.
It was obvious that either David, Da’Vonne, or Kevin would be the houseguest evicted during Week 7. The Committee alliance wasn’t going to shake from their plans at vilifying the outsiders, but it’s that same treatment and their procrastination that will be their undoing. Seriously, it’s Week 7 of Big Brother: All-Stars, why is this alliance so keen on voting out numbers they need to take out the bigger threats in their group?! Daniele needed votes like Da’Vonne and Janelle to take out Cody/Tyler, Nicole needed Ian for a shot at the prize, and Christmas had trust in Kaysar and Bayleigh as allies. The game will soon be in a place where Cody, Tyler, and Enzo will have complete control because the others in the alliance made moves that supported other people besides themselves.
Memphis’s HOH reign is a perfect example of catering to the needs of others in a Big Brother game. His mission was to backdoor David, but when push came to shove, louder voices in his alliance (Cody, Tyler, Enzo) forced a decision that benefited themselves instead of Memphis. Sure, taking out Da’Vonne and eliminating the fear of a “girls alliance” might hinder Dani’s and Nicole’s games, but it elevated the threat status of his stronger competition. And, creating The Wise Guys alliance would be a smart idea, except that the houseguests this season can’t keep secrets. It’s only a matter of time before someone spills and it turns against Memphis. Memphis should start playing for himself because his lackluster social game will lead him to an eviction or losing in an easy Final 2 vote.

Daniele and Nicole also suffered from their delayed gameplay. Keeping Da’Vonne in the house would’ve helped them tremendously with future votes, but the decisions they made in previous weeks placed them in a scenario where they couldn’t save her. If Ian had stuck around, they would’ve only needed one vote to save Da’Vonne, and if they had made decisions to work with Bayleigh/Kaysar/Janelle/Keesha, they could’ve had an extra vote round to help with their plan. All Dani and Nicole did were expose their loyalties against The Committee to work on their jury votes. When The Committee starts turning on each other, it won’t be surprising if they’re the first targets. Even Enzo has worked himself into a great position in the alliance.
Though, Nicole has a much bigger problem if she even wants a chance to win Big Brother: All-Stars. During Week 6, she actively campaigned to the house to vote Ian out after she couldn’t save him and lied to the outsiders (Da’Vonne, David, and Kevin) about her vote. If she and Dani had stuck to their words, Tyler would’ve been evicted instead – that move would’ve helped their games tremendously. Don’t get me wrong, that’s strategy and Nicole played it deviously; however, it’s how Nicole acted afterward that ruined any chances in getting their combined four jury votes.
Once it became clear that Da’Vonne nor Kevin could pull themselves off the block with the Power of Veto, Nicole should’ve come clean to Da’Vonne about her vote. Nicole continued to lie to Da’Vonne and blamed David for flipping, even when Da’Vonne asked Nicole to be truthful on a personal level outside of the game. She didn’t and kept lying. Da’Vonne loves voting for the best strategy, but she announced her jury vote would be about voting those who stabbed her in the front instead of the back. There is no way Nicole will get Da’Vonne’s vote, let alone the other outsides, and Ian once he finds out how far Nicole went to ensure his elimination. Nicole ruined her legacy even further.
Zingbot returned during Week 7 to read these houseguests to filth … and it was beautiful. Some of the zingers didn’t land (i.e., Dani’s “old” comment), but Zingbot got a few golden jabs in. Nicole’s wedding song, Cody’s dumb joke, Da’Vonne’s reality TV history, and Enzo’s Meow Meow roast stand out as the best quips from his socially-distanced visit. With the POV challenge itself, the maze competition was fun, chaotic, and campy. This is the second time the maze returned and it delivered a good time yet again – much better than the fire hydrant HOH competition. Though, the challenge could’ve done without Netflix’s Tiger King theme (it’s strange to think that the show only premiered months ago before Big Brother: All-Stars).

Da’Vonne’s eviction speech will go down as one of the Top 5 best of all time. It was informative, referential, inspiring, and it dropped a lot of tea about the Big Brother game and the houseguests this season. Da’Vonne is an All-Star. Her gameplay, on the other hand, still needs a bit of work since her past actions did work against her for getting needed votes. For instance, constantly “testing” her alliance members for believability (that hindered any progress with Tyler) and her putting trust in the wrong people because of her quick nature to believe her wrong judgments.
Nicole had a long history of betraying Da’Vonne, but she was quicker to believe Nicole didn’t lie than believing David told the truth. The same mentality prevented her from building trust with Janelle, working against the guys, and giving up easy alliances, like Keesha and Nicole Anthony. Da’Vonne could’ve won Big Brother: All-Stars, but a lot of factors worked against her. There wasn’t much room during Week 7 for Da’Vonne to save herself, except for winning a challenge.
Week 7 of Big Brother: All-Stars chipped away at the cracks being formed within the majority alliance. However, their foundation still proved to be too strong to break at this time. The outsiders floundered due to be doubt and mistrust, but the round still played out in a formulaic fashion. At this point, Big Brother: All-Stars might stick as a “follow-the-leader” scenario with one boring and expected eviction happening after another until a predictable winner is crowned.