The large majority alliance strikes again on Big Brother: All-Stars. Three weeks in a row and the season is shaping up to be a “cut-and-paste” scenario deciding who the alliance wants out next. Week #3 hit its mark as a dull and predictable filler week. What did we all expect?! The entire house was gunning after two players who had no alliances (except with each other) and none of the players wanted to shake things up. The game is left in limbo until someone does something (anything at all!) to break up the house alliance.
Once Tyler won Head of Household, it was obvious that Kaysar and Janelle were going to be nominated. From the way Janelle lived in everyone’s minds rent-free this season, the outcome was expected. Though, Tyler’s game would’ve benefitted more if “Jaysar” had stuck around together, especially Janelle. It’s no secret the pair are the biggest targets in the house; someone would most likely nominate them every week to get them out regardless. For a huge threat like Tyler, he needs bigger shields in front of him to make him look less than a priority. With Janelle out of the house, he’s moved up the list near the top as the biggest physical/strategic/social threat. Plus, he needs a strong outsider like Janelle and Kaysar to target people within his alliance (like Nicole F. and Cody) if he’s not ready to take a shot.
The same goes for other members of his alliance, like Cody, Daniele, Memphis, and Enzo. All four have openly discussed not trusting each other and planning a future move to take out a threat. Barely anyone has won challenges outside of their alliance, so when the situation comes down to winning power, can they truly rely on themselves to get the job done? Plus, if they’re not willing to make the move, simply work with Janelle and Kaysar to turn the votes on the others. Nicole F. was never going to work with Janelle, and it’s understandable why Cody wouldn’t align since Janelle had issues with Nicole, but the others squandered their chances to build the numbers. Daniele and Memphis made costly errors; they’re going to regret not working with Janelle since she never would’ve nominated or voted them out.

Speaking of Dani, the episodes provided a segment about her “rat floater” strategy and planting seeds around the house. That strategy works when done effectively. Unfortunately, Dani is planting too many seeds and balancing many lies throughout the house. She isn’t keeping any secrets to herself and people have begun to notice that she’s always with Cody/Nicole F. to talk game (that is a big no-no for the strategy). Plus, her main motivation for getting out Janelle was the petty reason for trying to take Janelle’s crown as the “Big Brother Queen.” In her pursuit of that goal, she’s exposed herself as a manipulator, burned several connections who would’ve never targeted her, and she’s playing a mean game that has tarnished her legacy. Dani is going to need a miracle for Memphis, Tyler, Enzo, Bayleigh, and others to not nominate her.
However, the biggest blunder this season comes from Mr. “Game Credit” himself, David. What is David doing?! David is now in the Top 5 of worst players to ever play Big Brother. He is not an All-Star at all. David can barely hold a coherent strategy conversation, he doesn’t know what he’s doing in the house, and the moves he has made have either landed in his lap or he nearly blew them up. Case in point: Telling Da’Vonne there is a guy’s alliance and that Cody/Tyler has floated her name out as a next target. All that move did was make Bayleigh/Da’Vonne distrust him and Tyler panic over his game being exposed. A more skillful player could’ve explained the Tyler/Cody protection as a way that David was trying to manipulate for the girls’ benefit. Instead, he acted too shady and exposed his other allies.
He also holds too many grudges and turns down deals with no regard (his strategy conversation with Janelle is one of the Top 5 cringiest moments of the week). Before returning this season, David played at least eight hours as a houseguest on Big Brother 21 before getting evicted on Night #1. So, why is he talking down to people and acting like he is the strategic mastermind? No one respects him anymore; the best advice would be to lay low and act as a number for more strategic players, but he’s already ruined that strategy. David won’t win Big Brother: All-Stars.
As much as fans hoped that Janelle and Kaysar would survive Week #3, one of them was locked to go out regardless of if they won the Power of Veto. The entire house made them the scapegoats and talked trash about them – there was no way to come back from that. Kaysar had a better shot to stay since history showed he was the one who got eliminated first the last two times “Jaysar” played together. This was Janelle’s turn. Kaysar has an easier way to reintegrate back into the house since he’s not a physical competitor anymore and he doesn’t have the alliances. He’s still facing a massive mountain to climb, but there’s a tiny chance he could make it through.

From the viewpoint of the houseguests, Janelle was too big of a threat to keep around. She is JANELLE, Queen of Big Brother, first of her name, destroyer of floaters, the epitome of buxom and brains. This is her fourth time playing Big Brother – her legacy alone made her a huge threat the second she walked through that door. That said, Janelle never had a chance to win Big Brother: All-Stars. The only way she could’ve survived was if her, Kaysar, and some allies went on a winning streak, but even then she would be the first target. And even if she made alliances with people like Tyler, Cody, Daniele, and Nicole F., they already had their sights on her as their next nominees. Tyler wanted to work with Janelle, but his alliances wouldn’t have let that happen. Janelle brought so much fire and fun personality to Big Brother: All-Stars and it’s a shame that presence will be gone.
Week #3 of Big Brother: All-Stars hit the same repetitive notes of weeks past. The big alliance has its stranglehold on the house, and with different iterations of that alliance forming new parachute alliances around, there is no room for anyone to play the game. There are way too many alliances in Big Brother: All-Stars! Plus, this cast is too afraid to make any moves due to the fear of being the next house target. Isn’t this supposed to be an All-Stars season? We’re three weeks in and we’re still waiting for that detail to be proven fact.