Note to self: Never piss off the Aglaeca! The angry sea spirit was a vengeful and deadly foe on Nancy Drew. If horror movies have taught us anything, it’s that messing with spirits can blowback in a dangerous way … and they have a price that many can’t afford to pay. The #DrewCrew felt this head-on with their not-so-subtle torture signs, but did Owen Marvin pay the price for their bloody ritual? He was the main target of the initial offering. However, appearances could be deceiving in this latest murder mystery.
The Aglaeca wanted Owen dead – that much we knew clear. And with Owen murdered, the angry spirit would now have achieved their payout for providing the group with Lucy Sable’s bones. Everything should be good, right? The problem, however, is that the Drew Crew were still experiencing punishments after they conducted the blood ritual with Ryan Hudson. Nancy Drew dispelled this concern by pushing the twist that the group conducted the wrong ritual for the wrong type of spirit (i.e. benevolent sea spirit vs. human spirit turned evil). So, I have a theory that Owen Marvin might’ve been murdered by someone in his inner circle instead of the sea spirit itself.

“The Girl in the Locket” spent a lot of time establishing the conniving world of the Marvins and the members who make up the family. This plot sets the stage for Bess’s dangerous new environment as her cousins have reasons to want to see her gone (i.e. inheritance, Aunt Diana favoritism, etc.). But, this could also extend to the world that Owen was living in – with one new cousin added, someone might want him gone? We’ll have to wait and see if this theory bears fruit because if not, the Drew Crew just pissed off a very angry spirit with their diversionary tactics and now may want another sacrifice as retribution. This could be the beginning phase of another character getting killed off by the end of Nancy Drew Season 1!
I’m sad to see Owen go. He was charming, cared about Nancy and her friends, and he was ridiculously handsome. His relationship with Nancy was carefree and seamless; as compared to some of the other couples on Nancy Drew, there wasn’t a great struggle that kept them apart – they simply connected. Owen would’ve been a good match to balance Nancy, but now that future will never be. The same goes for his friendship with Bess. Just when she needed an ally in the Marvin empire, her closest relative got murdered.
Speaking again on the Marvin empire, Bess needs to watch her back against her cousins. She is Aunt Diana’s new favorite, so that has put a huge target on her back for dangerous shenanigans. Diana’s step-children from her first marriage seem more like socialites that will play petty moves against Bess, but it’s the other cousin that got shunned from the first spot that might be the red-herring to watch. She barely had any lines, so she could be feeling bitter about being relegated to the back.
Also, with Diana’s push to have Lisbeth incorporated in the family, someone might try to break up Bess and Lisbeth by planting seeds of doubt. Diana Marvin seems like the type of matriarch that will brag about wanting an agent in the family to know police activities. Lisbeth and Bess are such good terms, so it will be a shame if this family drama will be the reason they’re torn apart. Bess should’ve just invited her girlfriend to the party to face the chaos head-on instead of dragging out the manipulation.
George and Nick’s relationship, on the other hand, has hit rocky waters. Living together, working together, and dating each other all at the same time is too much too fast. The pair need time apart to work out their feelings and get into a natural rhythm. Unfortunately, from the awkward moments they spent together, Nancy Drew might be prepping us for an eventual end to their relationship. They’ve got the heat, but do they have the lasting power?

Nancy’s behavior toward Carson Drew and Ryan Hudson was so frustrating! It’s understandable why she’s mad that the birth secret was kept from her, but with a deadly sea spirit coming after them and their lives hanging in the balance, Nancy acted too much like a child. Why continue to keep secrets from her friends? Why dismiss Carson when all he did was adopt her and care for her as a parent? Why not tell Ryan the truth when she needed his blood?! Time was of the essence, and her continuing to delay the inevitable only put the group at risk. Nancy’s lone wolf nature has passed the point of being intrepid and became more self-centered and dramatic.
What did you think of the moment Ryan found out the truth of Nancy’s paternity? It’s a stretch at best. Nancy had a point – some babies do look closely alike, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility. If it weren’t for the other clues, like the allergy to wasps, Ryan wouldn’t have been able to put the pieces together. It’s great that the truth is out in the open – Nancy can finally face the past and rebuild relationships with her family members. Though, she has to stop pushing people away.
“The Girl in the Locket” set the stage for the next big mystery hanging over Horseshoe Bay. Was it a malevolent spirit that killed Owen or was it someone more sinister hanging in the wings? Nancy Drew is at its best when there is a mystery to solve, and with the Lucy Sable and Tiffany Hudson cases completed, the show needs a mystery to hook us in. It’s heartbreaking that Owen had to pay the price, but let’s hope this new mystery gives him justice.