The cracks have formed in the Six Shooters alliance during Week #5 of Big Brother 21 … and it was awesome! The once-powerful group that held the majority vote has crumbled under the weight of in-fighting and betrayal. You could say that without any collective targets to direct their blame (*cough* David, Ovi, Kemi, and Bella *cough*), they finally focused on their games and figured out that they don’t like each other. None of them made the first strike, but the plotting started for who would be the first to go. If only the blindside came to be this week – just imagine the sparks.
As much as I hate to say it, the Six Shooters made the right call by sticking together for another week. With the recent eviction of Bella and the loss of both Sam and Nick from the main alliance, the Six Shooters only had six people now to make a decision. Plus, with Holly as Head of Household, the alliance only had five eviction votes, so it didn’t give them complete control of who would be leaving. Having Jessica and Kat as close allies helped, but the alliance was on the precipice of being overtaken by the outsiders. Six Shooters had nothing to worry about regarding the outsiders banding together; that would never happen since they couldn’t agree on anything. But keeping the status quo ensured at least a quiet week for them.
On the other hand, Jackson and Holly should’ve made the strike against Christie when they had the chance. All signs pointed to members of their alliance starting to turn on the couple. If they had not won HOH, they would’ve been placed on the block; this fact is something they discovered well into the week and could’ve done something about it. I’m hoping they chose not to nominate Nicole as the pawn as it guaranteed her safety, but not taking up Nick and Sam on the deal put them at a disadvantage. If they want any shot of making it far into the season, they have to turn on Six Shooters and band with the outsiders. Moving their support to the others would take them off the radar and focus on players like Jack, Tommy, and Christie instead.

Jackson, meanwhile, is a sinking ship. Holly should start preparing for an exit strategy to separate herself from her showmance/nomance soon. The Final 2 deal she has with Kat will help; however, she should begin making inroads with Nicole, Jessica, and Analyse. The houseguests HATE Jackson and his treatment of the players; having a backup plan will make the transition easier once he’s voted out. His attitude during the HOH competition won him no favors with Analyse or any members of the Six Shooters alliance. I like that the editors shifted Jackson’s edit to suit his actual behavior in the house; he’s rude, bossy, insensitive, and cruel – just look at how he made Kat cry! His portrayal finally recognized the villain he is during Big Brother 21. Now, if only Jack’s villain edit could catch up with him faster…
Analyse is a houseguest that we should keep our eyes on as a behind-the-scenes floater. (I can’t believe I just said that.) For weeks now, she’s continually sat around and done nothing; she was more focused on her looks, talking about her looks, and saying how her looks made her better than everyone else. Week #5 might be the first time she started playing the game to undermine other houseguests. If it wasn’t for her, Jack and Jackson wouldn’t have caught on to Christie’s gameplay. Analyse might be one of the causes of the Six Shooters imploding, whether she realizes it or not.
Tommy and Christie’s poison ivy punishment is the type of superfluous segment that doesn’t have any stake in the game. We get a small bit of amusement seeing them covered in purple makeup and being punished with quarantine. Someone on the editing staff had a lot of fun with their slow-motion victory run to the outdoor showers. And to that, I say “bravo!” It capped off the sheer pointless ridiculousness of the punishment.
Kat should learn from the mistake she made in Week #5 to NEVER volunteer to go on the block as a pawn ever again! She thought going into the replacement nomination that Sam had all the guaranteed votes for eviction, but Big Brother is a game that can change at the drop of a dime. As Julie mentioned during the eviction episode, the decision came down to the wire and Kat nearly became the person who got evicted since the Six Shooters’ alliance was crumbling hours before. Big Brother history is riddled with houseguests who went home thinking they were the pawn; Rachel from Big Brother 20 is just one of the most recent examples. Kat should never risk her game like that again.

Speaking of the fight, Julie teased the implosion of the Six Shooters alliance during the eviction episode, and it looks like it will be making a big impact coming up in Week #6. On Eviction Day, the alliance had a major blow-up in the boat room that exposed all their secrets to every outsider left in the house. Jackson turned against Christie, people were yelling, trust was broken, and Tommy tried to keep everyone together for the sake of the vote – explosive fire ruled in that room. It’s a shame that the footage didn’t make it to air because it would’ve made the anticipation for the Sam vs. Kat vote even more intense. However, with the action happening only a few hours before, it’s understandable why there wasn’t a quick turnaround for a polished segment.
Sam’s eviction came from the unfortunate result of bad luck. He wasn’t the main target to leave this week, and he would’ve stuck around had a few things not gotten in his way. Compared to many evicted players before him, if one right thing had happened for him, the house would’ve gladly voted someone else instead of him. In this case, (1) if Nick hadn’t won the Power of Veto, (2) if Holly had nominated Nicole or Christie instead, or (3) Analyse had agreed to flip the vote to Kat instead of Sam, he would still be around. Though, we can’t blame his eviction all on bad luck. Sam also sided with the wrong couple and made some poor campaigning against Nicole and Christie; it was a bad week for him.
Week #5 of Big Brother 21 lit a spark that could reignite the much-needed drama this season needs. With the main alliance starting to turn on each other, the pieces have been placed for a tumultuous next few weeks. Sometimes we need average weeks like this to build momentum for potentially thrilling ones in this future. Week #5 isn’t quite filler, but let’s hope the houseguests don’t squander the spark given them.