It’s hard to believe eight episodes have already aired and we’re now wrapped up on season three of HBO’s Insecure. In contrast to last season where Issa Dee (Issa Rae) was heading into a downward spiral coming off her breakup with Lawrence (Jay Ellis), this current season allowed us to see her growth. Now we’re focused on Issa’s path to figuring out what she wants on her own terms.
At the beginning of the season, we find Issa still crashing at Daniel’s (Y’lan Noel) apartment, albeit with some complications considering they used to have a romantic connection. After taking a step back from her life, she took matters into her own hands and realized she couldn’t continue to sleep at someone else’s house rent free. Nor does she have any passion for her non-profit job, We Got Y’all. She calls it quits, finds a position as an apartment manager, and says goodbye to Daniel–on good terms, too.
Meanwhile, she sparked a new relationship with new recurring character named Nathan (Kendrick Sampson). Nathan made her feel like she could accomplish anything she put her mind to. From walking around the streets of Los Angeles to spending one memorable Coachella together, things were going great… or so it seemed. That is, until Nathan decided to ghost her for the final three episodes. It was hilarious to see what Issa would do to find out what the hell happened to Nathan because it was relatable! Don’t tell me you haven’t tried checking up on your crush or ex on social media to see what they’ve been up to. Just us?

Let’s put a pause on that and move onto Molly (Yvonne Orji) and Lawrence. This season Molly made moves in a brand new work setting, stripping herself entirely away from her toxic affair with Dro (Sarunas J. Jackson). She’s more work-focused and not allowing anything, including relationships, to get in her way. And surprise! Lawrence is back after much speculation that he’d make no presence this season. His journey after the Issa/Lawrence closure took him down the wrong path, which eventually led him to spreading the clap to everyone he slept with. Yeah, he knew it was time to do something differently.
During the season finale, Issa, Molly, and Lawrence, have some self-realization. Issa powers through her 30th birthday despite the fact she was just getting over Nathan. She used her new year as a fresh slate to do things she wanted, which is why we saw her meeting with a fellow event planner to help coordinate a block party in Inglewood, a project Issa had been trying to push all season. We’re speculating next season to be focused all on this event.
Molly’s tunnel vision backfired when she realized she’s all alone. She’s been fixated on proving herself to the head executives that she completely left all her co-workers in the dust. By the time Issa offered up some real truth and let Molly know that she was no longer a team player, it was already too late. Her past mistakes came back to haunt her, leaving her to realize what she’s done.
As for Lawrence, he was figuring out what he wanted in the long run. He came to terms with the fact that he can’t be sleeping around with just anyone anymore. We know Lawrence resented Issa for cheating on him back in season one. Doesn’t seem like the resentment lays on thick this time around. After having conversations with people in his circle, it’s as if Lawrence starts to wonder, “Was Issa a good thing for me?” “Do we have another chance despite all our downfalls?”
Overall, season three of Insecure was, without a doubt, about growth for all characters. If I were to grade all of them, Molly would take the top spot. She’s dealt with proving herself in the workplace to accepting her own flaws and, finally, to letting in love from others. Molly deserves that love even though she doesn’t need it.
Great news for those who want more Insecure. The glow up continues. The series has been picked up for season four (via Twitter). See you in 2019, Issa!