Week 10 of Big Brother 20 was the embodiment of a filler week. The Battle Back competition, while initially an interesting idea, can either produce explosive results… or the creation of a déjà vu week. In the case of Week 10, we experienced the latter. Nothing new or interesting happened as the game merely paused itself to replay a previous week and ensure that the returning houseguest got evicted again. In essence, things were dull.
The cards were pretty much dealt with the audience once Scottie returned. Unless Haleigh OR Scottie won Head of Household, the others were going to band together to evict one of them. Neither won HOH or the Power of Veto, so a predictable week was on the horizon. Strong social games and the odds of winning challenges would be the only key arguments in which a player would go home. Level 6 and their acolytes viewed Scottie as the bigger threat so he had to go. It’s as simple as that.
On the other hand, Scottie made plenty of mistakes that ruined any chance of longevity. The first mistake had to be his strategy going back into the house. Scottie got evicted during Week 8 in a unanimous vote. No one had his back and he got blindsided by his closest friends. One of those “friends” was Tyler, and he knew from jury conversations that Tyler was running the game. Why would he put his hopes on working with the same mastermind?

Sure, Tyler won Head of Household, but the votes lied with the others. Scottie should’ve exposed everyone’s secrets to turn the tide, or at the very least exposed them to Tyler so that they could target a bigger threat. Tyler couldn’t care less who left this week and Scottie needed to win over the others to campaign for him. He didn’t make a strong enough case.
The second, and probably his biggest fault, was that Scottie came off as too much of an uncertain player. Scottie wouldn’t share his targets with anyone. Haleigh up front hated Sam and would openly target her; if you knew a nominee was going after someone else, they would be the perfect person to keep around. (If that houseguest is distracted, they wouldn’t target you and that’s a win-win.) Scottie played too ambiguously and, during his campaigning, he came across as shifty. Scottie portrayed himself in the worst light and was his own undoing.
The “Tangela” relationship should just admit that they’re in a showmance. They know it, the other houseguests know it, the viewers know it – facts are facts. Their constant denial of the situation and rushing away from each other whenever anyone reached the HOH room came off as idiotic. The other players aren’t stupid, they know that the pair is romantically involved, so owning the truth would help them in the long-run. Being in a showmance is bad, but owning your game earns you respect from the players sitting on the jury.
This showmance debacle proved one of Tyler’s fatal flaws: he’s become too cocky. Running the house, winning challenges, and sitting with everyone’s trust has inflated his ego. It’s almost as if he doesn’t think he needs to try. Big Brother is a long game, and you need to constantly keep playing because the tide changes every second and if you’re not prepared, you could be washed out. Tyler’s flippant comment in his goodbye message to Scottie did more harm than good. Even though Scottie said he wouldn’t tell the jury members of Tyler’s Power App secret, he’ll no doubt reveal the truth to them. (This is Scottie, after all.) However, his tone might be less than positive – Tyler rubbed Scottie the wrong way.
Why is no one planning to bring Angela to the Final 2? Scottie revealed A LOT when he returned to the game. Particularly, the jury hates Angela and will never vote for her to win. She’s the perfect GOAT. The fact that everyone is desperate to vote her out and send her to the jury is mind-boggling. Brett has a better chance at winning Big Brother 20 by sitting next to Angela in the finale instead of sending her to the jury to curry favor. A sure-thing would be better than an uncertainty.

Week 10 of Big Brother 20 wasn’t without its own set of controversies. In this case, it’s the incorrect Head of Household winner. To sum up the facts (as compiled together through live feeds, episodes, and spoiler accounts): The houseguests had to keep their feet on the disk as they spun in the air holding onto a rope. If anyone sat on the disk, fell off, or didn’t keep a foot on the disk, they would be eliminated. Tyler ended up winning Head of Household. However, he jumped up off his disk early into the competition to balance himself and he removed both feet from the disk. The reading of the rules by the previous HOH Angela didn’t mention that rule in the edited episode, but the producers’ live in-game explanation, and Kaycee’s subsequent explanation in the diary room, did.
Unfortunately, as unfair as it sounds, Tyler won the HOH fairly since that became the official call. Production missed the foul and didn’t correct it in time (or acknowledge it), so the events didn’t get fixed. Scottie got screwed since he was evicted, Haleigh got deprived of an HOH week since she came in second, and we lost out on an eventful week. Regardless of alliances and players, I want a fair game. Production needs to call houseguests out on these fouls so that the real winners are crowned and the game runs smoothly.
There’s been a bit of sketchiness in Big Brother 20 as of late, especially with comments and actions made by some of the houseguests. Scottie’s eviction speech didn’t help the matter either. Houseguests need to be held accountable or else this won’t be the game we love anymore.