This is it. “Homecoming” is the beginning of the end for Once Upon A Time. With only the finale left, our heroes of Hyperion Heights are far from out of the woods as they travel to the Wish Realm where The Dark One waits to take any happy ending they hoped for away.
The Dark One arrives at Henry’s apartment and wants to strike a deal. When Henry refuses, he makes Lucy and Ella (Jacinda) disappear and tells Henry if he wants his happy ending, he needs to get Rumple’s dagger. The Dark One wants the dagger because if Rumple hands the dagger over to The Guardian like he wants, The Dark One will disappear forever and that’s something he doesn’t want.
The only way for Henry, Hook, Rumple, and Regina to beat The Dark One is to go to the Wish Realm. The portal splits the group up, sending Henry and Regina The Dark One’s castle. There, they find Peter Pan locked up. He warns them that whatever goes into The Dark One’s castle never leaves.
Inside the castle, Regina and Henry find Ella and Lucy trapped in a snow globe. The Dark One appears, filling the globe with snow and giving Henry and Regina until midnight to get the dagger and save them. Meanwhile, Rumple tries to find answers in his old home where The Dark One constantly appears to antagonize him. Rumple tells his alter ego he has tried to get rid of the dagger the right way by giving it to someone pure but he never wanted to burden them with its power.
So, he said the only way to do it is to give the dagger to The Dark One who can’t be any more evil.

When he hands over the dagger to The Dark One he poisons him with squid ink that halts his powers. Right when Rumple is about to stab him, Regina interrupts. In that moment of hesitation the ink wears off and The Dark One knocks Regina out and begins choking Rumple. The Dark One tells Rumple that the dagger was never what he was really after, it was Henry.
After digging through books, Henry realizes the way to save his family is by getting the author’s pen. The man holding the pen reminds him that his job as the author is to record the stories and not change them, which is what he planned to do.
Back in the castle where he is about to change the story, The Dark One appears and takes the pen, which was actually his plan the entire time. Henry reminds him only the author can use the pen and he would never write a word for him.
At that moment, teenage Henry from the Wish Realm appears and reveals their allegiance the entire time. Honestly, you need a roadmap to keep every character straight in the episode, but I digress.
Regina, Hook, and Rumple come in the moment Young Henry writes “The powers of the Guardian are no more.” At that moment, The Dark One makes everyone disappear, except for Regina.
Apparently, in the Wish Realm, Regina murdered Snow, Charming and Emma, making Young Henry evil and out for blood. For Young Henry to do The Dark One’s bidding, he got to do what he wanted with Regina.
While the fate of the main heroes is up in the air heading into the series finale, we know one thing is for sure, the original heroes are coming to help. Thanks to Alice and Robin, they head to the Wish Realm to save their friends, but not before making an important pit stop to Storybrooke first.