The drama is definitely heightened in “Totally Hosed,” as the pressure to deliver an acceptable performance comes crashing down on top of the Stanton High theater troupe.
After being presented with the offer to redo the performance and become the new director, Tracey tells Principal Ward she will not go behind Lou’s back and take it from him. Instead, she says she will continue to work with Lou and try to make the appropriate adjustments so the show can still go on.
When Tracy informs Lou about this, he’s understandably up in arms. He goes to Ward asking why this was never brought to him first. However, Lou realizes the kids have been working hard and he tells Principal Ward he can make the edits by taking out everything on the list. The catch is they have to show Ward the entire production before opening night so he can sign off on it.
While Tracey and Lou scramble to make the nearly impossible edits, the kids are just as unhappy. Most, if not all of the edits, affect each one of them personally. Some might lose their big scene while others lose their only solos.
Simon is one of the characters who is affected the most by the edits, both performance-wise and personally. Simon starts to rebel because the changes are taking away the integrity of the show. He alerts the troupe that the show has begun to tear his family apart and if they don’t stick to the original script, it would have been for nothing.
It was such a heartbreaking scene to watch as his raw emotions were displayed for all to see on stage. After overhearing his parents arguing about an impending divorce, Simon has every reason to be upset with the changes.

Other characters who are dealing with rough patches are Robbie and Gordy. Robbie’s mom isn’t doing so well and her MS is getting worse, which will possibly prevent her from making it to his opening night. The nurses tell Robbie his mother’s health is beginning to fail and he tells her he wants her to come no matter what, because in the back of his mind, he knows his opening night might be her last. The emotion and impending death are basically displayed across the screen, leaving viewers to guess she will be dead in the season finale.
As for Gordy, he is still dealing with his “break-up” from Gwen. He starts to help his dad with cleanup after rehearsals as his community service. One of the best scenes from “Totally Hosed” was when Lou and Gordy sat down at a restaurant to talk about life and relationships.
During that conversation, Lou dropped the “have I told you how I met your mother” line and you could hear every How I Met Your Mother fan screaming. That conversation did give Gordy the courage to come clean to Gwen and tell her about his alcoholism and why he’s doing what he’s doing.
In the end, Principal Ward okays Lou and Tracey after they perform their watered down version. Lou notices a look Ward gave Tracey and confronts her about whatever deal they made. Tracey reveals that Principal Ward asked her to take over the show but tells Lou she backed him up and wouldn’t take it.
In a quick and explosive argument, Tracey quits the show two days before opening night and says she’s done. Basically, “Totally Hosed” has left the troupe totally hosed as the season finale and opening night loom in the future.